4 min readMay 15, 2022

✨Nun: 𐤍 🌱✨

LAMP to my feet And a LIGHT to my path, is your Word. I have sworn, and I confirm, To guard Your righteous right-rulings. I have been afflicted very much; O YAHUAH, revive me according to Your word. Please accept the voluntary offerings Of my mouth, O YAHUAH, And teach me Your right-rulings. My life is in my hand continually, And Your Torah I have not forgotten. The wrong have laid a snare for me, But I have not strayed from Your orders. Your WITNESSES are my inheritance forever, For they are the joy of my heart. I have inclined my heart ❤️ to do Your laws Forever, to the end. Tehillim (Psalms) 119:105‭-‬112

📜History & Reconstruction📜

Ancient Name: Nun

Pictograph: Sprouting Seed

Meanings: Continue, Heir, Son Sound: N

The ancient pictograph🌱 is a picture of a seed sprout representing the idea of continuing to a new generation. This pictograph has the meanings of “CONTINUE,” “PERPETUATION,” “OFFSPRING” and “HEIR.” Literally means “Offspring of….Son/daughter of…”

❓Have you ever read through the Psalms and completely skipped over the Hebrew letter the verse starts with? Psalm 119 lists out the Hebrew alphabet and for every letter, there are verses. Paleo-Hebrew’s letters are Pictographic and intended for us to visualize the meaning so that we can put it into action. Following The Most High is not a passive Faith. If we make a vow to Him and go back on our word, that’s dangerous:

When you make a vow to the LORD your God, be prompt in fulfilling whatever you promised him. For the LORD your God demands that you promptly fulfill all your vows, or you will be guilty of sin (Deu. 23:21).

Now on to the letter “N” or 𐤍.

I have no SPERM emoji, but if I did I’d use it! Because the first Pictographic symbol that means OFFSPRING in paleo-Hebrew, is the Letter “Nun.” So literally SPERM is SEED that produces GENERATIONS of OFFSPRING.

Gosh….there is so much to unpack here! Let’s start off with how these verses relate to the letter. Well, we’re reading this In English, so it’s like me trying to translate a joke to you in Spanish (if you don’t understand Spanish). But in the Hebrew the first word is “Nyr,” notice that it starts with the letter “N” and the word means that out of the soil of our 💕 hearts, from the SEED🌱 that YAH planted (His Word📖), it should produce LIGHT 🪔The word “Nyr” means Menorah🕎 or LIGHT. 🪔

What was it He created on Day 1? LIGHT! But it wasn’t the Sun, Moon, or Stars because those were created on Day 4🤯 LIGHT- throughout ALL SCRIPTURE- means the WORD of YAH aka the Torah (instructions) of YAH.

And the WORD/TORAH became FLESH (John 1).

LIGHT 🪔has come into our world but people love DARKNESS instead of LIGHT🪔 because their actions, deeds, behavior are evil👿. Those who do evil 👿things HATE 🦹‍♀️ the LIGHT 🪔and will not come to the LIGHT 🪔, because they do not want their evil deeds to be exposed🙈. But those DOING ✨TRUTH✨ come to the LIGHT 🪔 in order that the LIGHT🪔 may show that what they did was in OBEDIENCE to God. John 3:20‭-‬21 GNTD Now what did the 5 WISE VIRGINS have with them? OIL for their LAMPS🪔. The Foolish Virgins did not have oil to shine THEIR LIGHT. The Groom came while the Foolish virgins went to buy and after the Door 🚪 was shut, they knocked saying, “LORD! LORD! OPEN FOR US!” But it was evening… was DARK….and they had NO LIGHT. He couldn’t see them, did not recognize them, and He actually tells them, “Truly, I DON’T KNOW YOU,” (Matt. 25).

Messiah YAHUSHA is the WORD & TORAH that Became flesh . It is not enough to say, “LORD!” If you are not DOING TRUTH which produces LIGHT.

🪔 🐉And the dragon was enraged😡 with the woman👰🏾‍♀️, and went to fight with the remnant of her SEED🌱, which are those GUARDING THE COMMANDS of Elohim and possessing the WITNESS of YAHUSHA Messiah.

Ḥazon (Revelation) 12:17


These Words which I AM commanding you today shall be in your ❤️ HEART… Diligently GUARD THE COMMANDS of YAHUAH your Elohim, and His WITNESSES, and HIS LAWS which He has commanded you. “And you shall do what is right and good in the eyes of YAHUAH, that it might be well with you, and you shall go in and possess the good land of which YAHUAH swore to your fathers [The New Jersulaem 🙌🏼]

Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 6:17‭-‬18

Paleo-Hebrew Source: