SoQuo: The Solar Stop

2 min readJan 13, 2023

Solar energy is energy that is generated from the sun. It is a renewable energy source that can be harnessed through the use of solar panels, which convert the sun’s energy into electricity. The sun produces energy in the form of light and heat, which can be captured by solar panels and converted into electricity using a process called photovoltaics. This electricity can then be used to power homes, businesses, and other buildings. It can also be stored in batteries for later use. Solar energy is a clean, sustainable, and widely available energy source that can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

There are several types of solar panels and systems, including:

  1. Monocrystalline solar panels: Made from single crystal silicon, these panels are the most efficient and the most expensive.
  2. Polycrystalline solar panels: Made from multiple crystal silicon, these panels are less efficient but also less expensive.
  3. Thin-film solar panels: Made from materials such as amorphous silicon or cadmium telluride, these panels are less efficient but also less expensive and more flexible.
  4. Grid-tied solar systems: These systems are connected to the electrical grid and feed excess energy back into it.
  5. Off-grid solar systems: These systems are not connected to the electrical grid and rely on batteries to store excess energy.
  6. Hybrid solar systems: These systems combine features of grid-tied and off-grid systems and can switch between the two as needed.
  7. Concentrated solar power: This type of solar panel uses mirrors to concentrate the sun’s energy onto a single point, typically a tower.

Solar panels work by converting energy from the sun into electricity. They do this through a process called photovoltaics, which involves using semiconductor materials, typically silicon, to convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity.

The semiconductor material used in solar panels is made up of many small solar cells, each containing a positive and negative layer. When sunlight strikes a solar cell, it causes a flow of electricity, or current, to flow between the positive and negative layers, creating direct current (DC) electricity.

The DC electricity generated by the solar cells is then sent to an inverter, which converts it into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is the type of electricity that is used in homes and buildings.

The AC electricity can then be used to power lights and appliances, or it can be sent to the electrical grid, where it can be used by others. Any excess electricity can be stored in batteries for later use, or sent back to the grid through a process called net metering.

Overall, solar panels work by converting the energy from the sun into electricity that can be used to power homes, buildings, and other applications, making use of semiconductors to convert the energy and inverters to change the current type.

