4 ways how Artificial Intelligence can help you organize your documents


As the technology is maturing, Artificial Intelligence has potential to disrupt every industry in some ways. Document management is one area that is an important aspect of every individual or business’ day to day functioning. AI is going to make document management highly automated and much more efficient & effective. It will make the documents work for you, in 4 key aspects of document management:

Auto Categorization

The first challenge that anyone faces in organizing their documents is properly naming the files, categorizing them into properly named folders. This sounds very straight forward but takes a lot of effort and planning on the user’s part to do it properly. AI can be used to do this categorization automatically as the AI engine can differentiate between different documents and catalogue them accordingly, requiring no manual effort from the user other than just uploading the documents.

Easy Searchability

The biggest challenge in document management is to be able to search for the document when required. It is in a way linked to the categorization step because proper indexing and tagging of the document is important to make it searchable. An AI engine can automatically identify different attributes of the document and store them accordingly. For example, when a user uploads a Driving Licence, they may in future search for it by searching in personal documents folder or vehicle documents folder or as a text search of “Driving License” etc. AI engine will ensure that the document is tagged for all the possible attributes, also the document is searchable by text inside the document, making it very easy to look for a document any time.

Important / Actionable Information Extraction

In all traditional means of storing the documents be it physically or digitally, the valuable information stored in the documents is just lying there unused because there is no way to extract relevant information and make it available proactively for users’ reference or for taking any action. For example, if the user stores an Insurance document which needs to be renewed on a certain date, the document won’t be able to alert the user closer to the date so that the user can take timely action. It will be dependent on the user to remember that information or store it somewhere separately to get reminded about in time.

An AI based system on the other hand, can automatically understand what information is important, extract it from the document & make it readily available for the user to take necessary actions. An AI based system can truly make “the documents work for the user”.

Keeping Updated

One major aspect of document management is to ensure that the system is updated all the time, with all the latest documents being filed & redundant/expired/not-relevant-anymore documents being discarded. This ensures that unnecessary clutter can be avoided making documents search better as well as help in keeping the costs of storage space in control. The clutter & increasing cost of storage can very quickly go out of hand if not managed properly because in today’s world when we have so much digital data being generated everyday & digital storage being relatively very cheap, we tend to just dump anything & everything in digital storages on device as well as on cloud.

An AI powered document management system can track all of it automatically and alert the user to make sure that all the documents are updated. With proper linkages with original document providers, emails & other cloud storage providers, it can even do the updating & discarding automatically for a lot of documents, saving a lot of time and effort for the user.

Everyone wishes to have a better organized life in general but most people struggle with it because it takes a lot of effort to do all the above tasks. An AI powered system can take care of all of it and save a lot of time & effort for the users. More importantly, it can give the users mental peace to know that an intelligent system is making sure that you stay organized all the time!

For sneak peek of an AI Based Document Management System, please visit — Sorted Website

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