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SoSene Software - Trang
8 min readApr 18, 2022

The programming world is evolving rapidly. New frameworks and tools appear every day. It is very normal if you feel overwhelmed by the number of things that need to be learned. To be a good developer, you need to understand that you don’t have to learn everything. Doing well in some things will pay a lot more than being average at a lot of things. Therefore, this article will shortlist five programming languages that will be mastered in 2022 and some of their advantages and disadvantages. I hope it will help you make the right choices for your business.

Programming Languages | SoSene

1. Golang

According to the recent Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey’21, Go is one of the most wanted programming languages that developers are looking to learn. Let’s find out a little bit about GoLang with us!

Screenshot of Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey’21

Go, also known as Golang, is a popular programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. With the basic principle, Golang is simple enough to stay in the programmer’s head without haziness or complicated code. This language is built for programs related to networking and infrastructure. Nowadays, Go is used for a variety of applications, such as minimal web applications, web servers, Cloud-Native Applications, and APIs…

Advantages of GoLang

Easy to learn

  • Compared to other languages, Go is easier to learn because its syntax is small and very smooth to read as well. Therefore, you don’t need to waste much time learning this language. Smooth syntax text-based workflow, minimal layout, and clear specification of the language make the code maintenance cost lower and the development process faster. Especially those who are accustomed to C-style syntax, and Non-Go programmers, can read Go programs and generally realize what is going on.

Fast Services

  • Go is a speedy language because it can be compiled to machine code and the answering binary is very small. Our API can compile an 11.5 MB executable file in a few seconds. The compiled binary file can be directly deployed to the target machine without additional dependencies. Performance is better than those of interpreted languages.
  • Golang is not only fast in the sense that the programs written in it run fast, but also in the sense that the compiler can compile the project in the blink of an eye. Even Go programs can be edited and run directly on the Web.

Native C support

  • You can insert C code in a Go program so that you can utilize a lot of potent C libraries.

Disadvantages of GoLang

Error handling

  • Golang programs demand a repair error function if the error could occur. This can bring about trouble when the error track is lost, leading to a short of useful logic for managing errors. There are some tools that can assist to detect mistakes such as mega checking and err checking. Nowadays, solutions are still being sought, suggestions have come up for error handling.

Still in development

  • Go is still a young language, developers might encounter many difficulties to make full use of the libraries. There isn’t much assistance in writing the libraries. Therefore, in case of doubt, developers don’t have any books or libraries to support themselves.

No niche

  • Not having any niche like JavaScript and Python is the most significant drawback of Go. With no niche or generic, its code might not be reused like other languages.

2. Javascript

JavaScript is a scripting and dynamic programming language which the most popular computer language nowadays. It’s written for both on the client-side and server-side that enables you to make webpages and apps dynamically, control multimedia, update content…Moreover, Java is used for web development, mobile applications, games creation, and lots more.

Screenshot of Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey’21

Advantages of JavaScript:


  • JavaScript is rapid because it can be run instantaneously within the client-side browser, and speeding up the execution of the program because it saves the time required to connect to the server. Unless outside resources are demanded, JavaScript is unimpeded by calls to a backend server.


  • JavaScript is relatively easy to learn compared to another language such as C++. Java’s syntax and structure are simple for the developers and users. Furthermore, it’s possible to implement, saving a lot of money for developing dynamic content for the web.


  • JavaScript is used everywhere on the web and has an upward tendency using on the backend. There are numberless resources to learn about JavaScript. On StackOverflow has a lot of information that shows an expansion and increasing amount of projects that use JavaScript. The attraction of Java achieved in recent years is expected to increase.
  • Almost all modern browsers support JavaScript and lots of famous companies use JavaScript as a tool including Google, Amazon, PayPal, …

Disadvantages of JavaScript

Client-Side Security

  • The main problem of JavaScript is that the code is always viewable to the user and everyone can view JavaScript code. Therefore, in some cases, others can use it for malicious purposes, and using the source code without authentication will compromise the security of data over the website.

Browser support

  • JavaScript is sometimes interpreted in different ways by different browsers. This makes it difficult to write cross-browser code.

3. Python

In recent years, Python has become one of the most-used programming languages in the world. Python is a highly versatile language that is suitable for developing websites and software, data analysis, data visualization, … Python can be used by both developers and non-developers. most-used programming languages today

Screenshot of Stack Overflow Developer’s Survey’21

Advantages of Python

Easy to earn and use

  • Python is a high-level programming language, and straightforward to use. Python’s syntax is like the English language, that is the reason why this language is easy to learn and adapt to. Compared to C/C++ and Java, in Python just need fewer lines of code to perform the same task. Moreover, the principles in Python can be executed faster compared to other languages because of a result of its easy learning.

Improved productivity

  • Python is a very productive language. The simplicity of Python helps the developers to focus on solving the problem. They don’t need to spend much time understanding the syntax or behavior of the programming language. The users will have much time to get more things done instead of focusing on writing code.

Interpret language

  • Because of a wonderful interpreted language, Python may run the code one line at a time. Furthermore, if there is any error, instead of continuing with further execution, it reports back the problem.

Disadvantages of Python

Low speed

  • Compared to Java or C, Python is slower. The line-by-line execution of code usually results in slow execution. In order to execute code, each line of code needs to be clearly ordered since the language gets interpreted. Therefore, Python is not commonly used when fast acceleration is required.

Weak in Mobile Computing

  • Python is usually used on the server desktop and the server-side. Python is not suitable for mobile development, because compared to other languages, it is not very memory efficient and has a prolonged power for processing as compared to other languages. For these reasons, Python does not have many built-in mobile applications.

Memory consumption

  • Python has a very high memory consumption because of its flexibility to the data types. This can be a disadvantage in building applications when we prefer memory optimization.

4. Solidity

Solidity is a high-level programming language used to implement smart contracts that automate transactions on the blockchain. Programs compiled by Solidity are designed to run on the Ethereum virtual machine.

Advantages of Solidity

  • Solidity provides inherited properties in the contract, including multi-level inherited properties.
  • Smart contracts provide a safe, simple, and reliable medium for various sources involving two parties reaching an agreement on something.
  • The contract supports complex member variables in hierarchical mapping and structure.
  • By promoting ABI (Application Binary Interface), Solidity also supports multiple types of security features.

Disadvantages of Solidity

  • Since Solidity is a new language on the market, it has more disadvantages than other languages such as Python, C++, and Javascript.
  • Concerning bugs, other languages have certain advantages in this regard, because different languages have a large number of developers to solve them.
  • Since the standard library is not available, the structure and use of arrays and strings are very complicated (each language has its own library to perform functions).
  • Data is only available only from transactions. There is no other source for the information which in terms creates a problem for the machine to work efficiently.

5. C#

C# is pronounced “C-Sharp”, which is a programming language developed and introduced by Microsoft in 2001. Moreover, C# is a simple, modern, and object-oriented language that provides modern developers with flexibility and functionality to build software that not only works today but will be suitable for years in the future.

Advantages of C#


  • The C# language is a type-safe code that can only access memory locations and has execution permissions. Therefore, the security of the program is getting better and better. In the C# language, you cannot perform unsafe conversions, such as converting double to Boolean. Its value types (primitive types) are initialized to zero, and reference types (objects and classes) are automatically initialized to null by the compiler.

Avoid the problem of memory leaks.

  • The main advantage of the C# language is its powerful memory backup. The C# programming language contains high-memory backups, so memory leaks and other such problems do not occur like the C++ language.

Easy to development

  • The C# language has a rich class library, which makes many functions easy to implement. The C# programming language has influenced most programmers in the world and has a long history in the programming world.

Disadvantages of C#

  • It has no independent compiler that can directly interpret the highest-level language as the underlying hardware architecture of a pure assembler. It uses its bytecode and JIT compilers, which are heavily integrated into the .Net framework and are the backbone of the .Net structure, acting as a middleman for machine code, rather than directly communicating with the hardware.
  • C# is not as flexible as C++. C# relies heavily on the .NET framework, and anything that is not found in the .NET framework will be difficult to implement.


This article has presented an overview of Top 5 Programming Languages that are becoming master in 2022. Every language also has different advantages and disadvantages. Each purpose and nature of work will have the appropriate type of language. So, if you are searching for which kind of language will suit you best, please feel free to get in touch with us. We will help you choose the programming language which matches your requirements.

