An Analog Guy In A Digital World

Soubhik Ray
1 min readFeb 11, 2019


A Poem.

Photo by Brandon Wong on Unsplash

Somewhere between the uncertainty of the times ahead and the comfort of the time that was. Find me there.

I’m an Analog guy in a Digital world

Building sandcastles by the sea of memories.

Only for the waves of time to wash them away.

Too busy smelling the pages of a new book.

Reminiscing about the towns we grew up in,

before the busy city streets we all took.

I’m an Analog guy in a Digital world

Talking about TV shows that no longer screen.

Humming tunes that were the OST to our teens.

Thinking of the times when our imaginations ran thick,

as our tattered wallets looked thin.

I’m an Analog guy in a Digital world

I pen this down -

with one foot slipping over the realities I have learnt to accept.

With the other firmly in the comfort of what could have been.



Soubhik Ray

Penning his thoughts & observations about alternative culture, art, music and the world, as I see it. Founder at The B-Side Mix | Bangalore, India