Always the Poet , Never the Poem.

5 min readMay 19, 2024

The poet’s always make everything sound so beautifully pleasant. Has it ever occurred to you that if a poet writes about you, you will forever live in his or her poems? A poet can always turn anything including life, love or death into a work of beauty (Art).


Until you breathe your last breath, you dream a lot of things. By dreaming, I meant daydreaming, not the dream that appears after one is asleep. I believe the aspect of daydreaming is truly a gift from God, because there are no boundaries in it. A person might just be sitting in his or her home and yet be the president of some country in his or her thoughts. Isn't that hilarious? And just like that, poetry is a poet’s daydream or real life experience expressed beautifully in writing.

Anyway, life hasn’t always been and never will be easy. Life will throw stones at you and ask you to pick them up by yourself until your back gets cracked. But do you think we should give up right there? No, not at all! Do you ever wonder how stable life would be once we learned to hold onto it and catch the stones with gloves to protect ourselves from getting wounded?Of course, we all wonder because that is what we do best. ( By gloves, I meant with a smile on your face.)

I’m not best at writing poems, but if I ever wanted to write one on life, i would write something like this.

I wish my life was something I always dreamed about, or at least I had the power to hold onto life, dream, and tie a knot.

But life is all about how you lose, live, laugh, love, and die. What is so special about life if you don’t know how to cry?

You take a step back, and everything will perish. So, every single thing about life is to be cherished.

They say that daydreams are not your actuality, but someday, YOU and I will surely turn them into reality.


What do you think about love? Be it respectful affection towards your family or romantic love towards your partner, don’t you think that to love and to be loved is truly special and a unique experience? Well, in my case, I believe it is! And the way a poet expresses love is truly magnificient. No matter how content you are with life, you will always need someone who will make you feel good about yourself and celebrate all your flaunt as assets. Some say the act of love is letting go, and I don’t think that does justice to the word “love.” No matter what, one can never let go of the person they love. The person you loved, cherished, and adored will forever be immortal in your memories until the last rope. And if I have to write the poetry about that one love it might somewhat be like this

I prayed and yearned for you to be my fate. I believed my longings would make you my soulmate.

I wanted you to swap me for your shadow so that I could go wherever you go. I look at the stars in the sky, and all I see are your sparkling eyes.

This feels so untrue to be called true because I never stop thinking of you and the things your love makes me do. I close my eyes, and all I see is you.

Hold my hand and promise me you will never leave, and I promise that I will always love you like you are brand new.

The things love will make you do for someone are unbelievable; for some people, even the very small gesture shown out of love will become a beautiful memory. Also, the kind of love that sparkles out of friendship is very pure. Sometimes, you might meet your soulmate in your friendships, but it’s not necessarily necessary for the term “soulmate” to refer to a romantic partner. And then one day, when you’re old and sitting by the window, taking deep breaths, and looking outside the window, you will remember all the stupid things you did with your friends. You will wish to live that life once again with the same humans and see them smile again. You will miss them so much that you might start tearing up, and that is called LOVE.

A soul for a soul that feels like home, the joy in the eyes, and unmindful of how time flies, with no price, the affection arise

Because in you I have found a friend, and with you I will walk till the end. Our tears, laughter, and memories will be forever with me, like jewelleries.

The art of Death.

Nothing in this universe will survive forever; all living things must experience the agony of death once. Death will knock on your door from old age, accidents, illness, or attacks.And when it does You will be detached from reality or unaware of what is happening around you. But have you heard? When you realise you are going to die and you are taking your last breaths in the remaining seven minutes of your life, you will have flashbacks of the people you loved the most in your life; it might be your parents, friends, or your other half. And that is so poetic! You will be gone, turning into dust, but the amusing thing about one’s death is that he or she will live on in the minds of others for eternity. You never know when your time on earth is going to end, so make the most of it by living each day to the fullest and without regrets.Always remember to extend forgiveness to others, as doing so enhances the beauty of life.

Death is the last rope; someday, every single creature on earth has to hold

The blood passing through your body, which will turn cold. A soul has to return to where it belonged, leaving everything behind and be gone.

Your body will be consumed by dust, and that is the beauty of death. Once it reaches you, you will be forever in rest.

