Explaining Nginx Internal Architecture

9 min readMay 16, 2023


Explaining Nginx Internal Architecture in Simple Terms
Explaining Nginx Internal Architecture in Simple Terms

Nginx is a popular open-source web server that is known for its high performance and scalability. At the heart of Nginx’s architecture is its worker processes, which are responsible for handling client requests and serving responses. In addition, Nginx leverages technologies such as Hyper-Threading to improve performance and optimize resource utilization.

In this article, we’ll explore the internal architecture of Nginx in detail, including its worker processes, the role of Hyper-Threading, and how it handles incoming requests. We’ll also cover some of the key features of Nginx that make it a popular choice for web servers, including its ability to serve static content, proxy requests, and cache frequently accessed content.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how Nginx works under the hood and how its architecture and features make it a powerful tool for serving web content. Whether you’re a web developer, system administrator, or simply curious about how web servers work, this article will provide valuable insights into one of the most popular web servers in use today.

At its core, Nginx’s architecture is made up of two main components: the master process and worker processes.

The master process is responsible for coordinating and managing the worker processes. It listens for incoming requests and manages the configuration and overall health of the worker processes.

The worker processes, on the other hand, are responsible for handling the actual processing of the requests. They listen for incoming requests from the master process and execute them accordingly.

HTTP State Machine

When a client sends an HTTP request to Nginx, the state machine kicks into action. The state machine follows a predefined set of rules to determine how to process the request. For example, it checks if the request is valid and if the requested resource exists on the server. If the request is valid and the resource exists, the state machine moves to the next step, which is to process the request.

Once the request has been processed, Nginx generates an HTTP response and sends it back to the client. The response includes a status code (such as 200 OK or 404 Not Found) and any data (such as HTML or JSON) that the client requested. Again, the state machine follows a predefined set of rules to determine how to process the response. For example, it checks if the response is valid and if it should be cached for future requests.

Overall, the HTTP state machine in Nginx is responsible for managing the flow of information between clients and servers, ensuring that requests and responses are processed correctly and efficiently. By following a set of predefined rules, Nginx is able to handle a large number of connections simultaneously, making it a popular choice for high-traffic websites and applications.

Event Driven Architecture

Event Driven Architecture
Event Driven Architecture

Nginx’s event-driven architecture allows it to handle a large number of connections with relatively low resource utilization. Additionally, Nginx’s modular design allows for easy customization and extension with various plugins and modules.

Traditional web servers, such as Apache, use a process-based or threaded approach to handle incoming requests. Each connection is handled by a separate process or thread, which can be resource-intensive and limit the number of connections the server can handle.

In contrast, Nginx uses an event-driven architecture that operates on a single, non-blocking thread. When a connection is received, it is added to a queue of events that the server needs to process. Instead of blocking on the connection and waiting for a response, Nginx is free to continue processing other events in the queue.

Nginx uses an event loop, which is a programming construct that repeatedly checks for new events and handles them as they arrive. When an event is received, Nginx determines the appropriate action to take based on its configuration and the type of event. This may involve serving static content, proxying requests to another server, or handling SSL encryption.

By using an event-driven architecture and a single thread, Nginx is able to handle a large number of connections with minimal overhead. It can process thousands of requests per second, making it a popular choice for high-traffic websites and applications. Additionally, Nginx can handle a variety of protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and IMAP, further enhancing its flexibility and versatility.

Worker Processes

When Nginx is started, it creates a master process and one or more worker processes. The master process is responsible for managing the worker processes and the overall configuration of the server, while the worker processes are responsible for handling client requests.

Each worker process operates independently, with its own event loop, and can handle multiple connections simultaneously. This event-driven model allows Nginx to handle a large number of connections with relatively low resource utilization.

When a client sends a request to the Nginx server, the request is received by the master process, which then forwards it to an available worker process. The worker process then handles the request and sends the response back to the client.

If a worker process becomes unavailable or unresponsive, the master process will automatically start a new worker process to take its place. This helps ensure the continued availability and reliability of the server.

The number of worker processes can be configured in the Nginx configuration file, typically located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf on Ubuntu. By default, the number of worker processes is set to the number of CPU cores on the server.

When Nginx is configured to use multiple worker processes, it can take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of modern CPUs to handle a larger number of connections with improved performance.

By default, Nginx sets the number of worker processes to the number of CPU cores on the server. This is because each worker process operates independently and can handle multiple connections simultaneously. By setting the number of worker processes to the number of CPU cores, Nginx can make use of all available CPU resources.

For example, on a server with 4 CPU cores, Nginx will start 4 worker processes by default. Each worker process will run on a separate core and will be able to handle multiple connections simultaneously. This allows Nginx to process incoming requests more quickly and efficiently.

However, it’s worth noting that the optimal number of worker processes can vary depending on the specific server configuration and workload. In some cases, it may be more efficient to use fewer or more worker processes than the default setting.

If you need to modify the number of worker processes, you can do so by editing the worker_processes directive in the Nginx configuration file. It's generally recommended to test and monitor the performance of your server after making changes to the number of worker processes to ensure optimal performance.

When worker_processes is set to auto, Nginx will automatically detect the number of CPU cores on the server and create that many worker processes.

To modify the number of worker processes, you can edit the worker_processes directive in the configuration file. For example, to set the number of worker processes to 4, you could add the following line to the http block:

worker_processes 4;

You can also modify other worker-related settings, such as the maximum number of connections per worker, by adding or modifying other directives in the configuration file.

Overall, Nginx’s internal architecture is designed to handle a high volume of requests with low resource utilization, making it a popular choice for web server deployments.

Worker Process Types

Worker Process Types
Worker Process Types

In Nginx, the worker processes are responsible for handling client requests and serving responses. There are different types of worker processes that can be used in Nginx, each with its own specific purpose. Here are some of the most common types of worker processes in Nginx:

  1. Cache worker processes: These worker processes are responsible for serving cached content to clients. Nginx can cache content in memory or on disk to improve the performance of frequently accessed content. Cache worker processes are used to serve this content directly from the cache without having to go through the main worker processes.
  2. SSL worker processes: These worker processes are responsible for handling SSL/TLS connections. When a client connects to an SSL-enabled Nginx server, the SSL worker processes are responsible for negotiating the SSL/TLS connection and handling encryption and decryption of data.
  3. Proxy worker processes: These worker processes are responsible for handling requests that are being proxied to another server. Nginx can act as a reverse proxy and forward client requests to another server, and proxy worker processes are used to handle these requests and forward the responses back to the client.
  4. Proxy worker processes: Nginx is a web server that can also act as a reverse proxy. When acting as a reverse proxy, it passes client requests to other servers to handle. Nginx uses worker processes to handle incoming requests. Proxy worker processes specifically handle requests that need to be passed to other servers. These processes communicate with the upstream servers and pass the responses back to the client through Nginx. The number of proxy worker processes can be configured depending on the server’s hardware and expected traffic.
  5. Event worker processes: These worker processes are responsible for handling network events such as incoming connections and data transmission. Nginx uses an event-driven architecture that allows it to handle a large number of connections simultaneously, and event worker processes are used to manage these events and pass them on to the appropriate worker processes.
  6. Worker process for handling HTTP requests: These worker processes are responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and generating responses to send back to clients.

Overall, the specific types of worker processes used in Nginx will depend on the specific configuration and workload of the server. In many cases, a combination of these worker process types will be used to handle different types of requests and optimize server performance.



Hyper-Threading is a technology developed by Intel that allows a single CPU core to execute multiple threads simultaneously. This technology is intended to improve the performance of multi-threaded applications by allowing the CPU to execute more instructions per clock cycle.

When Hyper-Threading is enabled, each physical CPU core appears to the operating system as two logical CPU cores. This means that a quad-core CPU with Hyper-Threading enabled will appear to the operating system as an eight-core CPU.

The CPU is able to perform this by duplicating certain parts of the core that are used less frequently, such as the register file and certain execution units. This allows each logical core to have its own set of registers and some execution resources, but they share other resources such as the L1 cache and the execution units that cannot be duplicated.

Hyper-Threading works by interleaving the execution of instructions from different threads within a single CPU core. This allows the core to execute more instructions per clock cycle, which can result in improved performance for certain types of applications that are able to take advantage of this technology.

However, not all applications benefit from Hyper-Threading. Applications that are heavily compute-bound, such as video encoding or scientific simulations, may not see a significant performance improvement from Hyper-Threading because they are already using all available CPU resources. In fact, in some cases, enabling Hyper-Threading may actually result in lower performance for these types of applications because the CPU is spending more time switching between threads.

Overall, Hyper-Threading can be a useful technology for improving the performance of multi-threaded applications, but it’s important to consider the specific workload and application requirements before enabling it.

In conclusion

In conclusion, Nginx’s internal architecture and features make it a highly performant and scalable web server. Its worker processes are responsible for handling client requests and serving responses, while technologies like Hyper-Threading optimize resource utilization and improve performance. Additionally, Nginx’s ability to serve static content, proxy requests, and cache frequently accessed content make it a popular choice for web developers and system administrators alike.

Understanding Nginx’s architecture is essential for optimizing server performance and ensuring reliable and consistent service. By leveraging its powerful features and tailoring its configuration to specific use cases, developers and administrators can create fast, efficient, and secure web applications that can scale to meet the needs of a growing user base.

