Syntax, Variables and Data Types in Python

Dr. Walid Soula
Kinomoto.Mag AI
5 min readJun 21, 2024


In this article, I will focus specifically on syntax, basic constructs, and essential data types.

In this article, I’ll cover essential Python programming elements: syntax rules, indentation for structure, dynamic typing for variable simplicity, and key constructs like statement termination and comments. We’ll also cover fundamental data types !

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Syntax and Basic Constructs in Python

1 — Syntax : Python syntax refers to the rules and structure used in writing Python code. It defines how statements, expressions, and other constructs are written, formatted, and interpreted by the Python interpreter.

# This is a comment 
print("Hello, Medium!") # This will print Hello, Medium! to the console

2 — Indentation : Python uses whitespace (spaces or tabs) for indentation. Consistent indentation is required to define block-level structure in your code.

# Indentation
if True:
print("This is true")
print("This is false")

3 — Variables: variables do not need explicit declaration. You can assign a value to a variable using the assignment…

