Astrological Insights into TED Talk Stars: What Makes Them Shine?

7 min readApr 21, 2024


I don't know about you, but nothing captivates me more than listening to someone speak from the heart with infectious enthusiasm. In recent years, TED Talks have been our go-to source for inspiring and uplifting content, featuring a diverse array of speakers who share their invaluable insights. Many of these individuals are experts in fields unrelated to public speaking, yet they excel in captivating audiences and conveying their messages with clarity and impact. While some talks garner more attention than others, I've become curious about whether these standout speakers share any astrological similarities.

I used this list to identify the mentioned talks. There were 25 talks; however, the birthdays and birthplaces of 5 speakers were not found online. Consequently, I focused on the remaining 20 speakers. Since I lacked birth hour information and details for rectification, I did not consider axes (ASC/DSC — MC/IC) or houses. To be honest, this was quite disappointing, as I believe more insights could have been uncovered otherwise. Additionally, I excluded the moon from consideration due to its rapid movement; most speakers were born on days when the moon transitioned between signs. Out of curiosity, I still checked the signs the moon predominantly occupied during those days, and overwhelmingly, it was in fire signs.

Here are my main insights:

  1. Mercury was predominantly in Water and Fire signs

Astrologically, Mercury represents our mind, intelligence, learning and comprehension abilities, and communication style. In Greek mythology, it is symbolized by Hermes, the cleverest of the Olympian gods, the herald, and the messenger. Therefore, my primary focus was on Mercury when trying to find correlations among the speakers.

I anticipated that fire Mercuries would dominate, given their reputation for bringing inspiration. However, I found that water Mercuries were more prevalent. This aligns with the idea that viewers appreciate emotional resonance, which adds authenticity to the talks. While Mercury is sharp in air signs and methodical in earth signs, making them generally more objective, logical, and refined in emotions and passion, it seems this isn’t necessarily helping in capturing more views.

When we break it down by signs, we see that the top three placements are Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces. Let's quickly recall how these Mercuries function:

Mercury in Aries imbues assertiveness and confidence; these individuals don’t easily follow advice. They prefer to discover things for themselves and express their opinions clearly.

Mercury in Scorpio possesses the ability to delve deep into topics, excelling in psychology, reading the room, understanding power structures, and delivering messages with passion. One of my favorite authors and public speakers, Simon Sinek, is among those with this placement. His work and studies on organizational structures embody these qualities.

Lastly, we have Mercury in Pisces, traditionally considered ‘the fall’ of Mercury according to essential dignities. This is due to the lack of rationality in this position; instead of reason, individuals are driven by intuitive perception. They excel in matters of creativity and art, possessing a unique understanding where they grasp complex topics effortlessly but struggle with everyday information. Known as daydreamers, they seem somehow connected to the universe as a whole.

Yet, the above is not the most interesting aspect of the Mercury placements. When I checked the aspects of Mercury with other natal planets in the charts of the speakers, I was amazed! There was an overwhelming correlation that stood out:

2. Mars and/or Uranus aspects of Mercury were present in 80% of the speakers’ charts

50% of these speakers have Mercury in aspect with Mars.

To put this information into perspective: while this aspect is relatively "common," only 24% of my clients possess it. When I review astrological databases for politicians, the aspect occurs in approximately 25% of them. For businesspeople, the number drops to 15%, but it increases to 30% when I look at the media database. The prevalence of this aspect varies depending on our reference population, but a 50% occurrence is not typical. So, what does this aspect signify? It represents quick wit—the ability to think and speak rapidly, delivering emotions without much filtering and relishing mental competition. These individuals think and speak quickly, perhaps aiming to 'captivate' their audience. Their passion shines through in their delivery.

40% of the speakers have Mercury in aspect with Uranus.

Uranus aspects, although slightly less common, still appear more frequently than average. When comparing this to other groups, the aspect occurs in 26% of the politicians' database, 27% of the businesspeople database, and 23% of the media database. Among my clients, this aspect is present in only 20%. So, what does this aspect tell us?

Uranus-Mercury aspects signify rapid and exceptional learning capabilities. Individuals with this aspect are mentally agile, able to approach events from various angles, possess original thinking, mental clarity, visionary ideas, unconventional thinking, and utopian thoughts. Speakers with this aspect are often original thinkers and, in some cases, inventors. Elon Musk, Jill Bolte Taylor, and Sir Ken Robinson are among the names on the list with this aspect.

Of course, there are some speakers (around 20%) who do not have Mercury in aspect with Mars or Uranus. Additionally, there are other aspects of Mercury with planets like Jupiter or Neptune. However, the occurrences of these aspects within the group were not significant, so I am excluding them from consideration.

3. The ‘Gibbous’ natal moon phase occurred the most among the charts of the speakers

Another thing that caught my attention was the natal moon phases. I understand how crucial natal moon phases are in a person’s experiences. You might have all the favorable aspects in your natal chart, but if you were born in the first quarter phase, for instance, you might still experience the challenge of handling many things alone in life, despite your advantages. Therefore, when reading a chart, I always start with the natal moon phase to understand an individual’s life journey.

In this case, the results surprised me. All natal phases were evenly distributed, except for one: the Gibbous moon phase. I hope it doesn’t sound terrible if I admit to being a bit envious of those born under a Gibbous moon phase. This phase symbolizes abundance, growth, and blossoming. People born during this phase often have external support in their lives. They tend to meet the right people and have a supportive circle throughout their journey. This doesn’t mean they have it easy, but they often have their back covered by loved ones, allowing them to pursue their goals without worrying about every detail.

Most likely, all of us have had lifetimes where we learned specific lessons associated with this phase. The frequent occurrence of the Gibbous natal moon phase among the participants suggests that they are guided to follow their path and pursue their life mission to the fullest while worrying less about the rest.

4. 60% of speakers have Cardinal Lunar Nodes

Another surprising finding was the occurrence of the modalities of the lunar nodes. Let me remind you that the list varied in terms of ages. The eldest speaker was born in 1950, while the youngest was born in 1996 (with an average birth year of 1969.2). We know that the lunar nodes change signs approximately every 18 months. Therefore, between the birthdays of the eldest and youngest speakers, 30 signs changed across the three modalities. The repetition of modalities is almost equal. So, to me, the overwhelming majority having Cardinal modalities was particularly interesting.

12 out of 20 speakers were born under the Cardinal modality. They are the 'kickstarters' of seasons, adept at initiating, driving, and leading. They often introduce something new. While they have already experienced a lifetime focused on another cardinal lesson in a different element, in this lifetime, they are navigating its polar opposite. It makes perfect sense that these individuals would stand out, inspiring those who are still figuring out how to take action, find courage, and move forward.

Whether you’re a fan of TED Talks or simply curious about astrology, I hope this exploration has sparked some new insights and reflections for you.

If you have any thoughts, questions, or personal experiences to share, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out at






Astrologer, yoga student & teacher. For private readings e-mail