Narcissistic Behavior in Relationships, Friendships, and Family: Consequences and Protective Factors

3 min readAug 5, 2023

Hello dear readers,

Narcissistic behavior is a topic that not only affects individuals but can also have significant impacts on relationships, friendships, and families. In this blog post, we will delve into the characteristics of narcissistic behavior in interpersonal relationships and highlight the consequences that may arise from it. Furthermore, we will discuss protective factors that can help mitigate the negative effects of narcissistic behavior.

Narcissistic Behavior in Relationships, Friendships, and Family

Narcissistic behavior manifests in interpersonal relationships through excessive self-centeredness, a need for admiration and recognition, and a lack of empathy for the feelings and needs of others. Narcissistic individuals tend to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their partners, friends, or family members. They may feel superior and unique while simultaneously devaluing the achievements of others.

In romantic relationships, narcissistic partners can be dominating and controlling, manipulating their partners to fulfill their own needs. Their lack of empathy often prevents them from adequately perceiving and responding to their partner’s feelings and needs. Friendships with narcissistic individuals can be one-sided, as the narcissistic friend only shows interest when they can derive admiration or benefits from the relationship.

In families, narcissistic parents often exert excessive control over their children and critically assess their achievements to bolster their own self-esteem. The needs of the children are often neglected, leaving them feeling unloved or unaccepted.

Consequences of Narcissistic Behavior

Narcissistic behavior can have severe consequences for those involved. In relationships, it can lead to a lack of emotional support and connection, as the narcissistic partner may be incapable of showing genuine compassion and emotional closeness. This can result in feelings of loneliness and alienation.

In friendships, other friends may feel used and underappreciated. The relationship may become unequal, and trust can be significantly impaired.

In families, the behavior of a narcissistic parent can negatively impact the self-esteem and self-confidence of the children. The children may constantly feel the need to prove themselves to gain their parents’ approval and never feel good enough.

Protective Factors against the Negative Effects of Narcissistic Behavior

Despite the challenges that narcissistic behavior may pose, there are protective factors that can help mitigate its negative effects:

  1. Strengthening self-awareness and self-esteem: A strong self-perception and healthy self-esteem can help shield against the manipulative tactics of a narcissistic partner, friend, or family member.
  2. Setting boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries is crucial to protect oneself from the excessive influence of a narcissist. Recognizing and defending one’s own needs and boundaries is essential.
  3. Seeking support: Seeking support from friends, family, or professional therapists can be helpful in coping with the challenges that narcissistic behavior presents.
  4. Empathy and communication: If in a relationship with a narcissistic individual, maintaining empathy and open communication can be advantageous in expressing one’s needs and feelings.
  5. Self-reflection: If one recognizes narcissistic tendencies in oneself, self-reflection and the willingness to work on personal growth can pave the way for a more positive interpersonal dynamic. Seeking professional help can also be beneficial in this process.


Narcissistic behavior can significantly impact relationships, friendships, and family dynamics. Recognizing the characteristics of narcissistic behavior and implementing protective factors are vital steps in safeguarding oneself from its negative effects. Cultivating self-awareness, setting boundaries, seeking support, showing empathy, and engaging in self-reflection are essential elements in fostering healthy and fulfilling interpersonal interactions.

In this regard, let us remain mindful in our relationships and prioritize respectful and supportive interpersonal connections.

Yours sincerely, SoulDis




Psychologist, Actress by passion, animal rights and environmentalists