How the Lunarly Subscription Box Has Impacted My Life


Imagine this: you’re in your pj’s, curled up on the couch, a candle is burning on the coffee table in front of you, a blanket is across your lap. There’s a small cardboard box in front of you, an attractive black print dances across its panels, and as you lift the top of the box you feel a warm, happy rush of endorphins run through your body. This is you time.

This is the time you look forward to each month with the same excited expectancy of a kid looking forward to Christmas as soon as December first hits.

The box is a monthly subscription box called Lunarly, and along with delivering either a beautiful exotic plant or hand-poured and divinely smelling candle for your enjoyment each month, the box delicately holds specially curated goodies for your own spiritual and self-care journey. Each month’s specific items have been chosen to correlate with the new moon and lunar cycle that follows, and the intention-setting journal you receive with your first box will keep you on track with making small, impactful changes in your life that make a big difference.

To be clear, there’s never been a subscription box that truly grabbed me… until Lunarly. I’ve seen dozens of them promoted through ads on social media, and never did I feel like I had to have a single one of them. But Lunarly had my heart from the moment a friend posted about her November 2019 box on Instagram.

The first thing that caught my eye was the stunning Aloe Vera plant included in my friend’s box. I had been seeking ways to combat my chronic depression for years, and one thing I’d learned was that caring for things, such as plants, gives you purpose when you struggle with depression. The thrill of doing something right — keeping them alive, the magic of watching them change and grow, the satisfaction of seeing them thrive thanks to your care, it all provides a sense of accomplishment.

Next, my heart did a pitter-patter for the aventurine gemstone that was included in my friend’s box, being an avid collector of crystals and stones and a big believer in the magic of them. I was drawn not only to the stone, but also to a company that seemingly understood exactly what I would want in a subscription box. It was as if I personally put together a box that was perfect for me and contained exactly what I wanted (but without having to do all that work).

I jumped online and found my way to, where I happily found out about the various wellness products from amazing brands like Sunday Rain and Reverse Karma, tools for mindfulness, and much more that are also included in the subscription boxes each month. I subscribed immediately and haven’t looked back.

I received my first box (December 2019’s box) and learned that the intention journal guides you to set your intentions with the new moon and then revisit them on the first quarter moon, third quarter moon, and full moon. For me, this has meant that Lunarly gifts me not only with the items in my box, but with four evenings a month of Me Time: the pj’s-on-the-couch, candle-lit, blanket-on-my-lap type of me time that I love. I get to be alone with my thoughts and reflect on my life, how my intentions are impacting it, my growth, and the areas I can improve on.

This box is for those who want to improve their self-care routine, learn or make better use of mindfulness in their lives, find time to go deep with themselves, and for the awakened; those who want to peer beneath the surface of their lives and make changes to better their experience in this world and in the everyday.

Lunarly has given me something I truly, genuinely look forward to every month, which in the life of someone who lives with depression, is a huge win.

It’s given me a sense of connection with myself that was missing before, and the motivation to care for myself in the way I would care for a best friend or a child; gently and mindfully and with kindness.

It’s given me non-negotiable time once a week where I get to sit down with my intention journal and reflect on my life and my active role in creating it.

It’s given me an arsenal of tools, from incense and oils to luxurious skin care and books, to utilize in my meditation and everyday practices to emphasize mindfulness in my life, another important aspect of managing depression.

Lunarly has made a huge impact on my life for the better, and I look forward to moving through the rest of 2020 in a better, healthier, more peaceful headspace thanks to the little black patterned box I get in the mail each month and the pure magic that’s inside it.



Amanda Gist | Soulful Creative Studios

A copywriting studio providing unique services for spiritual & heart-centered entrepreneurs and brands.