Remove Toxic People From Your Life

Soul Instincts
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


We all know that there are many different people with various characteristic features around us and that is actually what makes us unique.

Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash

Sometimes it gets harder to deal with people in our lives, around us, at work or college. I said ‘’it gets harder’’ because if these people are negative and behave in an agressive way towards other people all day long, it somehow means that they drag your energy and your inner peace. For me, if someone drags my energy and my peace it means that I’m following the wrong path.

As challenging as it is, there are many lessons that we can learn from them. Additionally, there is an opportunity for us to improve ourselves, as well. We can think it as turning something bad into a useful one that improves us.

These people that i mention as ‘’toxic people’’ make the others feel miserable and weak. One of the reasons of this negativity that these people throw may be a lack of self-development and other similar problems that are to do with their lives. We can escape from their negative effects on us instead of being affected by their negativity. Fighting against this negativity may take time but it is about being patient and determined, as well. I want to share some suggestions, inspired by Tim Dennig, about how we can stay away from this negativity.

Getting away from negativity and being positive!

No matter how negative is the person around you, first and foremost, we can’t change it totally, but we can use some strategies. There is one suggestion that Tony Robbins states. It’s called ‘’ moving towards and moving away from.’’

Instead of ignoring these people, we can just change how often we contact with them. To give an example, I usually make an effort to avoid lengthy conversations with these people around me. I believe that we can somehow manage to escape from this negativity germ. I want to share a sentence related to this by Tim Dennig.

‘’Think of them as a germ, you can’t avoid them all together but you can be careful not to touch a dirty floor or share a drink with a sick person’’

When we are surrounded by positive people, it is easier to see the bright side of life and other issues that seem impossible.

Photo by Mark Adriane on Unsplash

Taking another look

When we are caught by a ‘’germ’’, all we should do is to stay away from it not to make things worse in our life and not to become weak and miserable by being affected by this germ. Same thing for the negative people around us, if we decide to decrease the time we spend with them and if we stay determined, positivity in our life would be absolutely clear.

We, as human, are the living creatures. Naturally, we face many difficulties in life and there will be times that we feel very miserable and weak. It’ s life, with its ups and downs and we can not just ignore this truth. The important point is that we have the power to handle all of these difficulties and it is always the worst to sink into pessimism. For myself, recently, I pay attention to catch the positivity in my life and to stay away from the negativity. It may be a person or just something that makes me restless, whatever it is, i just know that none of them worth feeling miserable when we have a chance to live our life with joy and brightness. Just remember that it is your life! Would you prefer to ruin it in despair or to make the most of it with your positive energy?

I have made my decision. There is no place in my life for the things related to negativity. Just remove toxic people and other things that make you worrisome.

To the bright and non-toxic days together…



Soul Instincts

Self Improvement, Productivity, Psychology. Believe in the person you want to become. Contact: