Empathy Unleashed: How a Physical Empath Discovered the Life-Changing Power of Visualization and Deep Breathing

Robert H Elliott Jr
6 min readMay 4, 2023

Awakening the Healer Within You

A chance encounter with pain can lead to the most extraordinary discoveries. Imagine walking through life, feeling the aches and pains of those around you, wondering if your body is just an echo chamber for their suffering. It’s a gift that would make you question your sanity until the moment you realize the incredible potential that lies within.

Discovering the Gift of Physical Empathy

At forty, I discovered a profound truth: I am a physical empath. To be a physical empath means to feel the pain of others as if it were your own. My wife’s headache could become my headache, and a friend’s heartache would manifest as a physical sensation in my chest. It was as if I could see the world through the lens of the people around me, experiencing their emotions and physical feelings with bewildering clarity.

But this newfound understanding did not come without its challenges. For years, I thought I was a hypochondriac, as the mere mention of pain or illness from someone close would cause me to feel the same symptoms. It was a difficult journey that required self-reflection, courage, and the power to embrace the…



Robert H Elliott Jr

Robert H. Elliott Jr. is a writer, mystic, and spiritual teacher helping others connect with their inner wisdom and manifest their deepest desires.