Love, Acceptance, and Spirituality: What Today’s Youth Want from the Church

Robert H Elliott Jr
3 min readJul 20, 2023

Have you ever wondered why the younger generation seems less present in churches today? Or why the once vibrant youth groups are now seeing a decline in numbers? This question has been on my mind since a friend posted on social media asking for advice on bringing the youth back into the church.

In this information age, the internet has become a window to the world for young people. They see and learn things that were once hidden or inaccessible. Among these revelations is the unfortunate truth that some pastors and religious leaders, who are supposed to be the moral compass, are not always practicing what they preach. The youth of today value authenticity and consistency. They are quick to spot hypocrisy and distance themselves from it even quicker.

Moreover, the youth are increasingly aware of the disconnect between Jesus’s teachings and many churches’ actions, particularly regarding the commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34) This discrepancy is most evident in the stance many churches take on LGBT issues. Jesus was known for his compassion and mercy, extending his love to all, from lepers to adulterers.

Yet, many of today’s churches struggle to extend the same love and acceptance to the LGBT community. This perceived lack of empathy and…



Robert H Elliott Jr

Robert H. Elliott Jr. is a writer, mystic, and spiritual teacher helping others connect with their inner wisdom and manifest their deepest desires.