The Spiritual But Not Religious Path: How to Create a Meaningful Connection with the Divine Without Dogma

Robert H Elliott Jr
6 min readApr 23, 2023


An inspiring and serene image of a diverse group of people meditating together outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery, symbolizing the freedom and connection found on the spiritual but not religious path as they pursue a meaningful connection with the divine without dogma.

Navigating the path of spirituality can be a winding and profoundly personal journey. My experiences with organized religion led me to seek a different, more authentic way to connect with the divine. Like many others, I found solace in the growing trend of identifying as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR). In this article, we will delve into the meaning behind this increasingly popular term, drawing from my own experiences and those of others on this path. We will explore what it means to be spiritual without being religious and the implications of embracing an individualized spiritual practice.

The Meaning of “Spiritual but Not Religious

“Spiritual but not religious” represents a shift from organized and traditional religious practices. Those who identify as SBNR have chosen to explore their spirituality more personally and individually, emphasizing self-discovery and the rejection of dogma and tradition. In this section, we will look at my journey away from institutional religion and discuss how embracing diverse spiritual experiences and self-discovery play a role in shaping a personal spiritual practice.

My Journey Away from Institutional Religion

Growing up as a Roman Catholic, I found comfort in the church’s rituals and sense of community. However, over time, I began questioning specific rules and beliefs that didn’t resonate with my values. This questioning led me to seek a more authentic connection with the divine, independent of religious institutions.

My first significant conflict with religious rules came when I was informed that I couldn’t receive communion due to my marital status. This realization and the subsequent challenges I faced with the church ultimately led me to drift away from organized religion.

Embracing Diverse Spiritual Experiences

My newfound journey as a spiritual but not religious individual allowed me to explore different sources of wisdom and inspiration, from meditation to the teachings of various spiritual traditions. This openness to diverse spiritual experiences enabled me to create a unique, personalized spiritual practice that resonated with my values and beliefs.

As I delved deeper into my spiritual path, I discovered my empathic abilities and experienced a spiritual awakening. This revelation further confirmed my belief that the connection with the divine transcends religious boundaries and is ultimately a deeply personal experience.

The Role of Self-Discovery in Personal Spirituality

For those who identify as spiritual but not religious, self-discovery is crucial in developing their spiritual practice. In my journey, looking inward helped me better understand my values, beliefs, and connection with the divine.

This process of self-discovery often involves questioning traditional religious teachings, engaging in spiritual exploration, and embracing the journey of personal growth. By focusing on self-discovery, SBNR individuals can cultivate a spiritual practice that is genuinely their own and not defined by the constraints of organized religion.

As we continue to explore the concept of being spiritual but not religious, we’ll discuss this identity’s potential benefits and drawbacks, compare it with institutional religion, and emphasize the importance of finding a balance between personal spirituality and community.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Being Spiritual but Not Religious

As with any spiritual path, identifying as “spiritual but not religious” has benefits and drawbacks. In this section, we’ll discuss the potential advantages and challenges of embracing an individualized spiritual practice and how it compares to the experiences within institutional religion.

The Freedom to Create a Personalized Spiritual Practice

One of the most significant benefits of being spiritual but not religious is the freedom to create a personalized spiritual practice. As I navigated my own SBNR journey, I found solace in the ability to explore various spiritual traditions, practices, and beliefs, ultimately shaping my unique path. This freedom allows individuals to focus on what resonates, fostering a more authentic and fulfilling spiritual experience.

The Challenge of Lacking Community and Guidance

On the flip side, one of the potential drawbacks of being spiritual but not religious is the lack of a built-in community and guidance that often comes with organized religion. While the SBNR path offers much personal freedom, it can also be isolating for some, as they may miss the support and camaraderie found within religious communities.

Additionally, the absence of a structured religious framework can make it difficult for individuals to find guidance and direction in their spiritual journey. This can lead to confusion and uncertainty as they navigate their spiritual growth.

Comparison with Institutional Religion

When comparing the SBNR path to institutional religion, it’s essential to recognize that both have unique benefits and drawbacks. While organized religion offers structure, community, and guidance, it can also come with rigid dogma and traditions that may only resonate with some.

On the other hand, being spiritual but not religious provides individuals with the freedom to create a personalized spiritual practice. Still, it may need more community support and guidance found in organized religion.

Finding a Balance between Personal Spirituality and Community

One of the key challenges for those who identify as spiritual but not religious is finding a balance between personal spirituality and community benefits. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of balancing individual spiritual growth with communal support and propose ways to incorporate elements of religious traditions into personal spiritual practices.

The Importance of Community in Supporting Spiritual Growth
While the SBNR path offers a great deal of personal freedom, it’s essential to recognize the value of community in supporting spiritual growth. Connecting with like-minded individuals can provide encouragement, guidance, and a sense of belonging that can be vital to one’s spiritual journey.

Incorporating Elements of Religious Traditions into Personal Spiritual Practices
To find a balance between personal spirituality and community, incorporate elements of religious traditions into your spiritual practice. For example, you might participate in community meditation sessions, attend workshops or retreats focused on spirituality, or engage in discussions with people from various spiritual backgrounds.

By being open to integrating aspects of religious traditions into your spiritual practice, you can benefit from the support, wisdom, and shared experiences of others while maintaining the freedom to shape your unique spiritual path.

Creating Supportive Spiritual Communities
Another way to find a balance between personal spirituality and community is by actively seeking or creating supportive spiritual communities. This might involve joining online forums or local groups that cater to individuals on the SBNR path or even starting your group to connect with others who share similar beliefs and values.

By fostering inclusive and open-minded spiritual communities, we can create spaces where individuals can grow and thrive in their spiritual journey while also benefiting from the support and camaraderie of others on similar paths.

Respect for Diversity of Beliefs and Practices

As we explore being spiritual but not religious, we must recognize the importance of respecting diverse spiritual beliefs and practices. In this section, we’ll discuss the need for open-mindedness and inclusivity in spiritual communities, regardless of whether they are institutional or personal.

Embracing Open-Mindedness and Inclusivity

When engaging with others on their spiritual journeys, it’s essential to approach each person with openness and understanding. Recognizing that each individual’s path is unique, we must respect the diverse beliefs and practices others embrace, even if they differ from ours. This open-mindedness fosters an environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their spiritual experiences and can learn from one another.

Encouraging Dialogue and Understanding

Encouraging respectful dialogue and understanding between people with different spiritual beliefs is critical to fostering inclusive spiritual communities. By engaging in open and honest conversations, we can learn from the wisdom of various spiritual traditions and gain a deeper understanding of our beliefs.


So, can you be spiritual without being religious? The answer is a resounding yes. As explored throughout this article, the “spiritual but not religious” movement represents a shift towards personal spirituality that emphasizes self-discovery, diverse spiritual experiences, and individual growth.

While the SBNR path offers the freedom to create a personalized spiritual practice, finding a balance between personal spirituality and community is crucial. By incorporating elements of religious traditions into our spiritual practices and fostering supportive spiritual communities, we can benefit from the wisdom and camaraderie of others on similar paths.

Lastly, it’s crucial to approach others’ spiritual beliefs and practices with open-mindedness and respect. As we continue our spiritual journeys, let us embrace the diversity of beliefs and practices that enrich our understanding and help us grow.

In conclusion, being spiritual without being religious is possible and offers a unique and fulfilling path for those seeking a more authentic connection with the divine. As we continue to explore our spirituality, may we remain open to learning from others, embrace our journeys, and cultivate respect for the diverse spiritual landscape in which we all coexist.



Robert H Elliott Jr

Robert H. Elliott Jr. is a writer, mystic, and spiritual teacher helping others connect with their inner wisdom and manifest their deepest desires.