4 min readSep 17, 2020

all about the planet Vulcan in esoteric astrology

who is vulcan in esoteric astrology?!

what does the vulcan sign mean?

vulcan is an energetic. planet in esoteric astrology that. is. situated betwixt the sun and mercury and is named after the god of fire in toman mythology, his greek equivalent being hephaetsus

vulcan is the son of jupiter and juno, and the husband of venus

he is the patron god of volcanoes and metal working, and is typically depicted with a blacksmiths hammer..

in a version of the mythological story of vulcan, is that he was born with a deformity, a bright red face, and so his mother juno, threw him of off a cliff where he fell for one entire day and night, finally landing in the sea

a group of sea nymphs found him, took him in and raised him as their own.. as the story goes, vulcan discovered coal whilst visiting the beach one day, and took some back home to his watery grotto in a shell..

thus he began to “play with fire” and discover his true calling as god of fire..and everyday he manipulated the coal and the fire to craft beautiful art, earning his blacksmith honor

keep in mind, that vulcan;s fiery connotation in mythology, and his blacksmith skills, are carried over into his esoteric astrology meaning

but first, did you know that the planet vulcan has a scientific, astronomical story as well?

during the 19th century, a french mathematician named urbain le verrier, proposed the existence of vulcan, purported to be a hypothetical planet, inwards of mercury, making it the planet orbiting in closest proximity to the sun

le verrier deduced that small peculiararities in mercurys orbit were the result of a gravitational force being emitted by another planet..

this planet was thought to make a full revolution around the sun in a mere 19 days 17 hours

vulcan was named for the roman god because of how close this planet is to sun.. imagine how hot it would be there.. and the god of bith beneficial and hindering fire, seemed like a perfect fit

in 1915 the existence of the hypothetical planet called vulcan was dismissed by einsteins theory of relativity, but in the esoteric astrology realm, his lives on to this day

in esoteric astrology, vulcan is considered and energetic planet, existing in another dimension, which is why he is not visible by the naked eye or a telescope to anyone who would choose to observe him the 3rd dimensional plane

vulcan will always be positioned in conjunction with the individuals sun sign, and many times mercury as well.. considering its close proximity

though vulcan will be conjunct the sun, keep in mind that he may not always be in the same sign as ones sun

by esoteric astrological association, vulcan is the governor of taurus.. a.k.a. the “soul ruler” of taurus, as esoteric celestial bodies are considered to be connected to the soul energy of each sign

vulcan rules the first ray of esoteric astrology, along with pluto, and the primary essence of this ray is to help shed and destroy outdated concepts within the human mind, preparing one for the higher consciousness that is waiting for them

the role of vulcan is to guide the seeker upon the first steps of their journey along the fixed cross of astrology and the experiences culminating there within

vulcan’s characteristics are only introduced and displayed when a disciple has reached the fixed cross, as his energy does not touch the mutable cross, or, the physical plane

taking vulcans mythological namesake int0 consideration, we’ll jump into his astrological characteristics

he is associated with the powerful drive of fiery passion which can consume an individual and become a catalyst for their upwards reaching knowledge of all things that are not physical

there is a recognition that the material plane is n0t all that exists in ones life experience and vulcan opens the gateway into the super conscious mind of all that is

it is quite fitting that vulcan governs the first ray of will power..

much as the mythological vulcan practiced his skills with coal until he transformed into a master blacksmith craftsman, so does the energy of planetary vulcan allow an individual to utilize his ‘earthly’ knowledge to transcend into a higher realm of conscious existence

vulcan is here to help the seeker set aside their attachment to the material plane and to no longer be cast about to and fro by seemingly unforeseen forces at work

when one is operating on the mutable cross of esoteric astrology, vulcans effects will be invisible.. many times the only clue of his presence upon the natives experience will show itself in the form of loss..

something will appear to the mutable cross native as ‘being removed’ from his experience, or taken away.. without the slightest inclination of why or how.. somewhat like a spoilt childs favorite toy being hidden by a fed up parent whilst said child is sleeping

once an individual, or disciple, sets foot upon the fixed cross, however, vulcans effects can be clearly noticed

it is at this time that the seeker has made peace with their external environment and now realizes that it is a mere facade.. an outward holographic representation of their inner realm

vulcan is the passion one has for greater knowledge which ignites their propulsion into the superconscious plane of existence.. allowing them to craft their own reality via the use of physical tools they acquire along the way.. much as mythological vulcan crafted beautiful art from unremarkable coal

the energy of vulcan transcends and destroys any perceived physical limitations and propels one towards a great transformation within their psyche.. leading them to create magic from the mundane

vulcans esoteric dignity is the sign of taurus and is in detriment in the sign of scorpio

vulcan is exalted in the sign of pisces and in fall in the sign of virgo

to find your vulcan sign, check the link listed below and as always the exact t8me of birth is recommended for accuracy


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