PySpark Optimization Techniques for Data Engineers

Rahul Sounder
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Optimizing PySpark performance is essential for efficiently processing large-scale data. Here are some key optimization techniques to enhance the performance of your PySpark applications:

Use Broadcast Variables

When joining smaller DataFrames with larger ones, consider using broadcast variables. This technique helps in distributing smaller DataFrames to all worker nodes, reducing data shuffling during the join operation.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import broadcast

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("example").getOrCreate()

small_df = spark.createDataFrame([...])
large_df = spark.createDataFrame([...])

result_df = large_df.join(broadcast(small_df), "common_column")


Ensure that your DataFrames are properly partitioned to optimize data distribution across worker nodes. Choose appropriate partitioning columns to minimize data shuffling during transformations.

df = df.repartition("column_name")

Persist Intermediate Results

If you have multiple operations on the same DataFrame, consider persisting the intermediate results in memory or disk. This prevents recomputation and improves performance.


Adjust Memory Configurations

Tune the memory configurations for your PySpark application based on the available resources. This includes configuring executor memory, driver memory, and other related parameters in the SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().set("spark.executor.memory", "4g").set("spark.driver.memory", "2g")

Use DataFrames API Instead of RDDs

The DataFrame API in PySpark is optimized and performs better than the RDD API. Whenever possible, prefer using DataFrames for transformations and actions.

Avoid Using UDFs (User-Defined Functions) When Not Necessary

User-Defined Functions in PySpark can be less performant than built-in functions. If there’s an equivalent built-in function, use it instead of a UDF.

Use Spark SQL Caching

Leverage Spark SQL’s caching mechanism to cache tables or DataFrames in memory, especially for frequently accessed data.

spark.sql("CACHE TABLE your_table")

Use Catalyst Optimizer and Tungsten Execution Engine

PySpark utilizes the Catalyst optimizer and Tungsten execution engine to optimize query plans. Keep your PySpark version updated to benefit from the latest optimizations.

Increase Parallelism

Adjust the level of parallelism by configuring the number of partitions in transformations like repartition or coalesce. This can enhance the parallel execution of tasks.

Minimize Data Shuffling

Data shuffling is an expensive operation. Minimize unnecessary shuffling by carefully choosing join keys and optimizing your data layout.

Optimize Serialization Formats

Choose the appropriate serialization format based on your data and processing needs. Consider using more efficient serialization formats like Parquet.

Leverage Cluster Resources Efficiently

Take advantage of the cluster resources by understanding the available hardware and configuring Spark accordingly. Distribute the load evenly across nodes.

Applying these optimization techniques can significantly enhance the performance of your PySpark applications, especially when dealing with large datasets and complex transformations. Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these techniques may vary based on your specific use case and data characteristics. Experimentation and profiling are essential to identify the most impactful optimizations for your scenario.



Rahul Sounder

Senior Engineering Manager - Data at Xiaomi Technology | Ex-Amazon, Merck | SAFe® 5 Agilist | Certified AWS Solutions Architect