Top 25 Databricks Interview Questions and Answers for a Data Engineer

Rahul Sounder
5 min readJul 10, 2024


What is Databricks?
Answer: Databricks is a unified analytics platform that accelerates innovation by unifying data science, engineering, and business. It provides an optimized Apache Spark environment, integrated data storage, and collaborative workspace for interactive data analytics.

How does Databricks handle data storage?
Answer: Databricks integrates with data storage solutions such as Azure Data Lake, AWS S3, and Google Cloud Storage. It uses these storage services to read and write data, making it easy to access and manage large datasets.

What are the main components of Databricks?
Answer: The main components of Databricks include the workspace, clusters, notebooks, and jobs. The workspace is for organizing projects, clusters are for executing code, notebooks are for interactive development, and jobs are for scheduling automated workflows.
Apache Spark and Databricks

What is Apache Spark, and how does it integrate with Databricks?
Answer: Apache Spark is an open-source, distributed computing system that provides an interface for programming entire clusters with implicit data parallelism and fault tolerance. Databricks provides a managed Spark environment that simplifies cluster management and enhances Spark with additional features.

Explain the concept of RDDs in Spark.
Answer: RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are the fundamental data structure in Spark. They are immutable, distributed collections of objects that can be processed in parallel. RDDs provide fault tolerance and allow for in-memory computing.

What are DataFrames and Datasets in Spark?
Answer: DataFrames are distributed collections of data organized into named columns, similar to a table in a relational database. Datasets are typed, distributed collections of data that provide the benefits of RDDs (type safety) with the convenience of DataFrames (high-level operations).

How do you perform data transformation in Spark?
Answer: Data transformation in Spark can be performed using operations like map, filter, reduce, groupBy, and join. These transformations can be applied to RDDs, DataFrames, and Datasets to manipulate data.

What is the Catalyst Optimizer in Spark?
Answer: The Catalyst Optimizer is a query optimization framework in Spark SQL that automatically optimizes the logical and physical execution plans to improve query performance.

Explain the concept of lazy evaluation in Spark.
Answer: Lazy evaluation means that Spark does not immediately execute transformations on RDDs, DataFrames, or Datasets. Instead, it builds a logical plan of the transformations and only executes them when an action (like collect or save) is called. This optimization reduces the number of passes over the data.

How do you manage Spark applications on Databricks clusters?
Answer: Spark applications on Databricks clusters can be managed by configuring clusters (choosing instance types, auto-scaling options), monitoring cluster performance, and using Databricks job scheduling to automate workflows.
Databricks Notebooks and Collaboration

How do you create and manage notebooks in Databricks?
Answer: Notebooks in Databricks can be created directly in the workspace. They support multiple languages like SQL, Python, Scala, and R. Notebooks can be organized into directories, shared with team members, and versioned using Git integration.

What are some key features of Databricks notebooks?
Answer: Key features include cell execution, rich visualizations, collaborative editing, commenting, version control, and support for multiple languages within a single notebook.

How do you collaborate with other data engineers in Databricks?
Answer: Collaboration is facilitated through real-time co-authoring of notebooks, commenting, sharing notebooks and dashboards, using Git for version control, and managing permissions for workspace access.
Data Engineering with Databricks

What are Delta Lakes, and why are they important?
Answer: Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID transactions to Apache Spark and big data workloads. It ensures data reliability, supports schema enforcement, and provides efficient data versioning and time travel capabilities.

How do you perform ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations in Databricks?
Answer: ETL operations in Databricks can be performed using Spark DataFrames and Delta Lake. The process typically involves reading data from sources, transforming it using Spark operations, and writing it to destinations like Delta Lake or data warehouses.

How do you handle data partitioning in Spark?
Answer: Data partitioning in Spark can be handled using the repartition or coalesce methods to adjust the number of partitions. Effective partitioning helps in optimizing data processing and ensuring balanced workloads across the cluster.

What is the difference between wide and narrow transformations in Spark?
Answer: Narrow transformations (like map and filter) involve data shuffling within a single partition, while wide transformations (like groupByKey and join) involve data shuffling across multiple partitions, which can be more resource-intensive.

How do you use Databricks to build and manage data pipelines?
Answer: Databricks allows you to build data pipelines using notebooks and jobs. You can schedule jobs to automate ETL processes, use Delta Lake for reliable data storage, and integrate with other tools like Apache Airflow for workflow orchestration.

What are some best practices for writing Spark jobs in Databricks?
Answer: Best practices include optimizing data partitioning, using broadcast variables for small lookup tables, avoiding wide transformations where possible, caching intermediate results, and monitoring and tuning Spark configurations.

Advanced Topics
How do you implement machine learning models in Databricks?
Answer: Machine learning models can be implemented using MLlib (Spark’s machine learning library) or integrating with libraries like TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn. Databricks provides managed MLflow for tracking experiments and managing the ML lifecycle.

What is the role of Databricks Runtime?
Answer: Databricks Runtime is a set of core components that run on Databricks clusters, including optimized versions of Apache Spark, libraries, and integrations. It improves performance and compatibility with Databricks features.

How do you secure data and manage permissions in Databricks?
Answer: Data security and permissions can be managed using features like encryption at rest and in transit, role-based access control (RBAC), secure cluster configurations, and integration with AWS IAM or Azure Active Directory.

How do you use Databricks to process real-time data?
Answer: Real-time data processing in Databricks can be achieved using Spark Streaming or Structured Streaming. These tools allow you to ingest, process, and analyze streaming data from sources like Kafka, Kinesis, or Event Hubs.

What is the role of Apache Kafka in a Databricks architecture?
Answer: Apache Kafka serves as a distributed streaming platform for building real-time data pipelines. In Databricks, Kafka can be used to ingest data streams, which can then be processed using Spark Streaming or Structured Streaming.

Can you give an example of a complex data engineering problem you solved using Databricks?
Answer: Example: “I worked on a project where we needed to process and analyze large volumes of clickstream data in real-time. We used Databricks to build a data pipeline that ingested data from Kafka, performed transformations using Spark Streaming, and stored the results in Delta Lake. This allowed us to provide real-time analytics and insights to the business, significantly improving decision-making processes.”



Rahul Sounder

Senior Engineering Manager - Data at Xiaomi Technology | Ex-Amazon, Merck | SAFe® 5 Agilist | Certified AWS Solutions Architect