Soundless Sloths NFT Collection

2 min readMay 2, 2022

Fun, Courageous and Meaningful. The Soundless Sloths have pledged to remain silent until their message has been delivered to all within the CryptoSpace and throughout the WORLD! The Soundless Sloths are looking to use the CryptoSpace as a platform to raise awareness of Christianson Syndrome and to attract partners and investors to help with building a charity for 11 year old artist, JPreet.

JPreet wishes to use his drawings as a voice for raising awareness and funds to help those that need it most!

Do you know what Christianson Syndrome is? Christianson Syndrome is a diagnosis that effects 1 in 16,000 children worldwide. The affects of this diagnosis include; a small head size; a long, narrow face with prominent nose, jaw, and ears; an open mouth and uncontrolled drooling; and abnormal eye movements. Affected children often have a happy demeanor with frequent smiling and spontaneous laughter. Some other affects of this diagnosis include; Epilepsy and Autism.

The Soundless Sloths NFT collection has been designed and illustrated by 11 year old artist, JPreet. JPreet has used his creativity, passion and talent for drawing to develop this collection in hope of helping those that are diagnosed with Christianson Syndrome. The end goal for this project is to generate enough income and use the funds from the NFT collection to build a charity who aim to help families and individuals where they have been effected by Christianson Syndrome.

JPreet’s younger brother was diagnosed with Christianson Syndrome from birth and has been caring for his brother alongside his mum for the past 8 years. Although this diagnosis is very rare, JPreet is on a mission to educate the world on Christianson Syndrome and how we can help the families effected.

Are you prepared to remain silent until we are heard? Join our community and help in bringing happiness to families that need it most!

All 32 unique Soundless Sloth NFT’s will be auctioned on 22nd May 2022 on JPreet has taken inspiration from his favourite TV shows, Fictional Characters and Favourite Foods! (PIZZA!).

Visit our website to find out more about the project and what charities we are supporting:

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