TBDKitchen: Phase 2

7 min readJun 8, 2023



We began as a home for those who made it past the bull, and stayed to fight the bear. A place where all could eat, non-discriminatory of financial circumstance. We thrived on the chaos of volatile markets together, winning, and losing.

After a quarter year of providing free soup for all, we receded… became a closer group of 1000 chefs and soup lovers. Then we took a journey.

We became pirates at first, raiding the sea looking for ships full of gold. We found those who had the best eye, even found some at port who knew the way to the treasure. Some were lost, some were found floating, those still sailing have found the way. They find ethereum in floating barrels, bitcoin in golden oranges, and sometimes are blessed by the birds when they airdrop goods.

We are not pirates any longer, we have established our home on the open sea. We have never sank below the water, never gave up in storms, and we most certainly won’t give up our fight when the sun shines again. From pirates, we have became a society- a society of friends who are all on their journey from pirates into royalty, becoming purveyors of arts in ports we visit or fisherman that provide stability for the whole crew.

We are not pirates any longer, we have found a way to exist sustainably, and will continue to do so. We continue to build our home at sea, each of us finding their passion and building a piece that’s meaningful to them. The only thing we search and yearn for is a home on land, a village if you will.

We are not pirates any longer, we’ve found a home. A place for all members to progress, a place for members to socially represent themselves, a place that allows for community control.

We have finally arrived in Bowl Town, a village undiscovered. Through the storms, through the struggles we will prevail. We are not pirates any longer.

Table of Contents:

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Community / Project Achievements
  3. The Future of TBD
    3a. Toaster Tools
    3b. Ordinary Frens
    3c. The Fridge Foundation
  4. Closing Statements From The Team

Mission Statement

TBD (To Be Decentralized) was formed with a vision to create an all-encompassing and empowering space for its’ members. Our primary objective is to ensure that every member, regardless of their unique circumstances, has an equal opportunity to engage with and benefit from the volatile market and our other applications of value (both emotional and monetary).

Our approach towards decentralization, embodied by the Community Control Infrastructure (CCI), seeks to redefine how communities interact with the economy. While traditional Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) provide some degree of community engagement, our CCI takes it a step further. It actively encourages broader and more inclusive participation, catering to diverse capacities and initiatives.

At TBD, our community’s strength forms the foundation of our organization. Our collective growth, adaptation, and innovation ensure that the fruits of our joint ventures are distributed equitably among all members. This is not just a mission; it serves as a guiding principle in charting our course towards building a future for the project.

Community & Project Achievements

In just 11 months, we’ve delivered immense value across various avenues. Our active chat and information system, primarily driven by dedicated community members who’ve proven themselves as project and coin researchers, stays bustling with activity. Additionally, we’ve expanded into several new areas, including SaaS operations like Toaster Tools, and the launch of artwork by under-appreciated artists who deserved to shine in the spotlight.

Key Achievements:

  • Over 1000E in value facilitated in the first quarter of operation, in the continuing seven months of operation we assume based on data that we’ve provided a multiple if not multiples of that.
  • Two art launches that opened above 1E (holders received the majority of slots in both collections), facilitating attention to the artists work as a community.
  • Development of our own payment interface, profit bot, with more in the works.
  • Hiring adequate individuals from the community to help with day to day operations & processes
  • Supporting multiple community/team members who became/were alpha callers or were on the team with the start of their own projects / groups (Notable references: Funkari (TMA420 ❤), Boi Labs (NFTboi ❤), Isotopes (Fxyo ❤), Red Light Distro (Pyrotoshi ❤), The Embassy (Max Chadwick ❤))
    Disclaimer: This is not a claim of credit for any of their hard work, all of the mentioned projects and names are standalone groups / projects and their success is wholly attributed to them. The above statements just to qualifies measures of communal support for those who have been around, or are still here.

There are many more areas of notable communal support / achievement but we view these specific accomplishments as most important to us.

The Future of TBD

As our first anniversary approaches, we are making significant strides towards achieving our mission. We have implemented community engagement and subscription service facilitation bots and interfaces, which are already being utilized by various communities. Furthermore, we are launching PFPs that have been highly anticipated by our community (Ordinary Frens) and establishing The Fridge Foundation.

Our aim is to effectively and efficiently execute these plans across three domains while maintaining the scale of our previous operations. If successful, these steps will serve as a foundation for substantial growth in both community and project development across various value layers within and beyond the web3 ecosystem.

It’s important to note that the descriptions provided below offer a consumable summary of our current and future activities. For those interested in learning more about any of these topics, please refer to the #recordings-and-faqs channel in our discord.

Toaster Tools
Toaster Tools (T.T.), is a community interaction and facilitation software that allows communities to engage and retain members in a sustainable manner while also decentralizing access to services. Unlike other service providers that collect user data such as credit/debit card information and emails, we never collect or store member information.

Designed as a SaaS product, Toaster Tools helps to ensure the ongoing sustainability of our project. As we continue to evolve, we aim to identify and address further areas of interaction, engagement, and retention to help other communities achieve their unique goals with new products, while improving old. Our commitment to providing exceptional service while remaining decentralized in operation & information collection sets us apart from competitors.

Ordinary Frens

Introducing Ordinary Frens, a 10K PFP project that has been inscribed on BTC with the aim of providing a representative and highly collectible PFP to every TBD member for social use, including in Discord. This rollout is significant as it scales the community without attaching any price association between the bowls and the PFPs. This route emphasizes the importance of viewing voyager bowls as a ‘key’ to future product releases and the upcoming governance system that will be gradually implemented in the near future.

The ethos of Ordinary Frens is inclusivity; recognizing that everyone is ordinary in some ways while being extraordinary in others. Just like how a village (Bowl Town) can’t function without its villagers offering unique expertise, Ordinary Frens aims to bring the community together in a unique way.

The Fridge Foundation

The Fridge Foundation is a decentralized art pass that is limited to only 250 passes and can only be obtained by burning two Voyager Bowls. This pass will serve as a key to access future seasonal art drops and access to beta the beta of our innovative platform that aims to empower artists regardless of their social status or recognition.

To obtain the pass, 200 passes will be made available exclusively for bowl holders, which means around 400 bowls will be burnt in the process. The team plans to secure an additional 50 passes by burning 100 more bowls for facilitating onboarding, marketing, and incentivization purposes.

After beta testing, the platform will become available for everyone with bowl holders enjoying a higher tier status than regular users and earning more utility points through multipliers. The Fridge Foundation and bowl holders will always maintain an enhanced capacity and multiplier for rewards in this system.

Closing Statements:

As a collective, our team remains dedicated to the development of our community and expanding our reputation within the space. Our approach towards our holders is rooted in a non-extractive and holistic mindset, which we believe sets us apart from most projects. Voyager Bowl holders are of utmost importance to us, as their daily interaction, supportive words, and feedback on our research and initiatives keep us grounded in our mission.

Our passion for all things web3 drives us forward, as we strive towards scalable sustainability with relentless commitment. The coming months will see the implementation of some of our most ambitious ideas yet; projects and products that we believe will truly make a difference for the holders and the space itself. We understand that preparation is key to success, which is why we are always ready to adapt our strategies to meet market demands, after all that is the primary conception of the acronym “TBD”.

We’re embarking on an exciting journey towards a new era for TBD and hope you’ll join us on the unknown path.

With love, Curator.

