What are the things you shouldn’t do while learning flutter?

How not to learn flutter?

Sourabh Mahale
5 min readJun 2, 2022
Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

Flutter was first introduced in 2018 and since then, Flutter and Flutter Community is growing rapidly! The good time to learn flutter is now. There are many resources on the internet so you can learn from them. But there are not many articles on preventing mistakes while learning flutter. Here are some mistakes I made as a Junior Flutter Developer:

Table of Contents:

1. Learning from Too Many Resources

In the world of the internet, you will get a lot of information about flutter but most of the resources are not that good so choose carefully. Some may lead you down a path that isn’t worth your time. Because when I started learning flutter I got many channels on YouTube, many courses on Udemy, and other online courses. So I pick some videos from one resource and then another resource That was my worst mistake because of that I don’t know how much I completed and what should I learn next. There are only a few websites and YouTube channels that provide tutorials on flutter that are genuinely useful.

If you choose any tutorial please watch and then practice and practice and practice.

Here some course that will help you :

i) If you want learn flutter quickly then this is best course by Angela yu : https://www.udemy.com/course/flutter-bootcamp-with-dart/

ii) If you want learn with making real apps then consider this :https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-flutter-dart-to-build-ios-android-apps/

iii) Some important YouTube channel having great content about flutter:

2. Lack Of Consistency :

Being upgraded with the latest technology is very important in the app development field because new versions come with new things so we have to know those things. Upgrading ourselves by being consistent in learning flutter. Learning new things will take time but if we are consistent then we can reduce that learning time.

3. Watching too much tutorial :

Only watching tutorials will not make you a developer, for that you have to practice after watching that tutorial. And then if you understand that topic make a small project on your own. That will boost your confidence to make more things.

4. Directly Jumping to trending flutter library

From small tasks to big tasks, you can get a lot of packages here. But if you use packages very frequently for small things you will never understand those things fully. Don’t use packages for a small task but if you understand those codes and packages then you should use that package for productivity and less code.

There are many many libraries you can find out on https://pub.dev/.

5. Not making real projects.

When you’re learning flutter it might from a tutorial or any course but after watching that video you must implement those things on your own because when you do that you will understand better. When you finish basic things in flutter you must start building small projects so you will understand how much you get learned. Making a project is necessary while you learning anything. While making a real project you will gain more knowledge and find out different things.

6. worrying about state management

Many beginners while learning flutter, done mistakes but it’s fine to make mistakes while we learning something new. But many of us use shortcuts to achieve that thing so they don’t understand those things fully & how those things work? like when I was a beginner I watched many videos regarding the use of state management like BLOC, GETX and many more so I start learning those things but I forgot one thing why these state management were created and why we use them, After spending so much time I realized I stuck and I thought don’t know anything I need to start again 😆 (Not from beginning 😜).

So I start with a small project and build that project. From this project, I understand how we use setstate()? why shouldn’t we use setState() everywhere? and then I use state management because I can’t handle so much spaghetti code.

7. Direct making complex app

If you’re a beginner & start making complex apps (watching from tutorials) it will become a nightmare for you because if you don’t know the basics you will not understand anything and then will be frustrated and gets demotivated. So start making simple apps from what you have learned and then slowly build some other apps.

8. Not uploading to GitHub

When I was a beginner I also done this mistake. Whatever you build for practice, you should upload it on GitHub, even if it is just a small app. This will make you proficient in Git along with Flutter And you can track your progress. It will also eventually create your GitHub profile.

9)Not Adapting To New Trends and technology

In the world of tech, many technologies come with better solutions so we have to be updated for such changes. And also flutter is rapidly changing from just mobile development to web to desktop and IOT so there will many things ahead so we need to adopt those things. With learning flutter, you also learn different things like where and how to store data?, how to create APIs?, how to create and design on Adobe XD or Figma etc., There are many different things we can learn with and after learning flutter so learn those things which will improve you as a developer and creator.

Hope you enjoyed this article!

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