Importance of Cyber Security in Internet Age.

Sourav Chanda
2 min readOct 20, 2021


The modern-day internet is a very important part of human civilization.The use of the Internet is seen in every sector like professional work, education sectors, the entertainment world, shopping, lifestyle, online business, monitory transaction, and many.

To maintain everything properly it is important to protect devices, which are responsible for connecting to the internet (computer, laptop, smartphones).
Cyber Security is the technique to protect users' digital components like data, networks, the computer system (files), online financial information from unauthorized access by unethical hackers or crackers.

Term Cyber means internet-related resources or information and security means protecting techniques, so cybersecurity stands for protecting digital resources on a person or an organization.

Crackers or illegal hackers use different techniques to break into the system of a person or an organization to gain unauthorized access to data or information. Their main motive is tampering with data or monitory gain.

Here are few ways to get access to a system illegally
Virus based attacks
A virus is a destructive computer program. spyware,malware, trojan, adware, worms are types of virus attacks that may occur while downloading content unauthorized websites from the internet.

Phishing attacks
In a phishing attack, hackers send attractive Email offers, duplicate links (of known websites), or any suspicious link ( with an embedded virus in it) send to users to still their data, personal info, login, or financial credential.

Man in the middle attack
An unauthorized person enters between users and websites to steal info, or corrupt a system, or seize important data.

Password attack
In this process, an illegal hacker tries to break passwords using some software tool or program.

Denial of Service attack
An unethical hacker sends some random request to a targeted server from various or single devices to crash the server with heavy requests.

SQL injection
Type of SQL query written to gain access of a database to still or delete data.

Prevention to protect a system or network from cyberattacks is using Firewall or antivirus software.

Cyber Security is one of the important job profiles nowadays there are various positions related to this field.
Ethical hackers (find the vulnerability of a system )
Security architect (design system security architecture )
Chief Cyber security officer (monitor overall process of security measures )
computer crime investigator (person deal with cybercrime law)
Source Code Auditor (software programmer who create or modify cyber security tools)
cryptographer (encrypt data or credentials from hacking)
network security engineer ( IT engineer responsible for network safety and security)
Security Consultant (Responsible for system test, safety, and resources maintenance for cyber security)
Security Analyst (audit the security measures of a system or network)

Shortly cyber security is not only an important part of digital civilization but also a booming career opportunity for Computer Science students.

