Sourav Chatterjee
2 min readFeb 2, 2024

Thoughtscape: 30 Day Journal:


Hello my friends!

I hope you’re doing well today.

I’m having a little bit cold!🥶

No, no, nothing serious!

The serious thing is that I had the go to the market with my mom!

We got an invitation for a birthday party and I love them, they are so kind!

The issue is not that, the issue is that, I had to go to the market! I had to face the crowd! Omg! I can’t explain how much crowd was there! I don’t know how to explain it , but you know, the noise, crowd, daily commotion drains my energy so much! I just hate crowd!

Although I had not spend much time there, but it was not an good experience me!

I love to travel, but not the crowded places, I love spending time with nature! I love calmness! I love the calmness of the nature! Colours of the sunset, the colour of sunrise, the clear blue sky and the vastness of the sky! I feel so good when I’m with the nature. It feels like they can hear my thoughts, they can talk with me!

They are my best friends!

Do you love nature too!?

Please let me know!

We can be good friends then! ❤️

Oh, I almost forgot!

Here is a picture of sunset from my home’s rooftop!

I know it’s not a perfect click, but I love it!

Okay, enough for today!

I will see you guys tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️

Sourav Chatterjee

Published Author, Editor, Book reviewer, Photographer, Nature Lover! I'm here to explore my INNER SELF!