Part 3 : Generational Garbage Collection in Golang

Sourav Choudhary
3 min readSep 29, 2023


Part 1 :

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Generational garbage collection is an advanced memory management strategy used in modern programming languages like Golang to improve the efficiency of memory reclamation. It is based on the observation that most objects become garbage shortly after they are allocated. Golang’s garbage collector leverages this principle by dividing objects into two or more generations based on their age.

In Golang, the primary generations are the young generation (often referred to as the nursery) and the old generation. Here’s how generational garbage collection works in Golang:

Young Generation

1. Allocation: New objects are initially allocated in the young generation. These objects are considered “young” and are likely to become garbage relatively quickly.

2. Minor Collection: The garbage collector performs frequent, low-cost collections in the young generation. These minor collections aim to quickly identify and reclaim short-lived objects that have become garbage.

3. Promotion: Objects that survive a certain number of minor collections or reach a certain age are promoted to the old generation. Promotion to the old generation indicates that these objects are likely to have longer lifetimes.

Old Generation

1. Allocation: The old generation is a long-term storage area for objects that have survived multiple minor collections. Objects in the old generation are considered “mature” and are expected to have longer lifetimes.

2. Major Collection: The garbage collector performs occasional, more expensive major collections in the old generation. These major collections aim to identify and collect objects that have become garbage in the old generation.

3. Generational Hypothesis: The generational hypothesis, which is the foundation of generational garbage collection, posits that most objects die young. Therefore, by collecting the young generation frequently and the old generation less frequently, the garbage collector can reduce overhead and improve overall performance.

Benefits of Generational Garbage Collection

Generational garbage collection provides several key benefits:

- Efficiency: By focusing on the young generation, the garbage collector can quickly identify and collect short-lived objects, reducing the need for more costly major collections.

- Reduced Pause Times: Minor collections in the young generation are typically fast and have minimal impact on application performance. Major collections in the old generation are less frequent, resulting in shorter pause times.

- Optimized for Common Use Cases: The generational hypothesis aligns with common usage patterns in many programs, where most objects are short-lived.

Challenges and Considerations

While generational garbage collection offers significant advantages, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are scenarios where objects in the young generation may have longer lifetimes, and objects in the old generation may become garbage relatively quickly. Developers should be aware of these considerations and profile their applications to optimize memory management effectively.

In conclusion, generational garbage collection in Golang is a sophisticated technique that optimizes memory reclamation by distinguishing between young and old objects. It aligns with the generational hypothesis that most objects die young, leading to more efficient memory management and reduced pause times in applications.

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