Part 4 : GC Triggers in Go’s Garbage Collection

Sourav Choudhary
4 min readSep 29, 2023


Garbage collection (GC) in Go is not a continuous process but is triggered based on specific conditions and heuristics. These triggers prompt the Go runtime to initiate a garbage collection cycle. Understanding these triggers is essential for optimizing memory management and performance.

Heap Size Trigger

One of the primary triggers for garbage collection in Go is the size of the heap, specifically the amount of memory allocated on the heap. When the heap size exceeds a certain threshold, a garbage collection cycle is initiated to free up memory.

The Go runtime uses a dynamic threshold that adjusts based on the heap’s previous growth rate. If the heap is growing rapidly, the threshold for triggering garbage collection increases to accommodate the application’s demand for memory. Conversely, if the heap grows slowly or not at all, the threshold decreases.

Allocation Rate Trigger

Another crucial trigger for garbage collection is the allocation rate, which measures how quickly objects are being allocated on the heap. If the allocation rate is high, it indicates that the application is creating objects frequently, and the garbage collector may need to run more often to keep up with the demand.

The Go runtime tracks the allocation rate and compares it to a predefined trigger ratio. If the allocation rate exceeds this ratio, the garbage collector is triggered to collect and free up memory. This mechanism helps balance the allocation and deallocation of memory dynamically.

Other Triggers

In addition to heap size and allocation rate triggers, Go’s garbage collector employs other heuristics to decide when to initiate garbage collection cycles. These heuristics consider factors such as the number of allocated objects, the time elapsed since the last collection, and the available system memory.

Controlling GC Behavior

While Go’s garbage collector is designed to work efficiently out of the box, we can exert some control over its behavior using environment variables and runtime settings. For example:

- The `GOGC` environment variable allows you to set the garbage collection target percentage. Lower values (e.g., 100) trigger garbage collection more frequently, while higher values (e.g., 800) make it less frequent.

- The `GODEBUG` environment variable can be used to enable verbose GC debugging output, which can provide insights into the GC behavior during program execution.

Dynamic Heap Size Threshold

In Go, the garbage collector employs a dynamic heap size threshold to determine when to trigger a garbage collection cycle. The heap size is the total amount of memory allocated on the heap for storing objects. The garbage collector adjusts this threshold dynamically based on the previous heap growth rate. Here’s how it works:

1. Heap Size Growth Rate: The Go runtime monitors the rate at which the heap grows between garbage collection cycles. If the heap is growing rapidly, it suggests that the application is actively allocating memory.

2. Adjusting the Threshold: Based on the heap’s growth rate, the garbage collector adjusts the threshold for triggering garbage collection. If the heap is growing quickly, the threshold is set higher to allow for more memory allocation before triggering collection. Conversely, if the heap growth is slow or stagnant, the threshold is lowered to initiate collection sooner.

3. Balancing Act: This dynamic threshold ensures that garbage collection is responsive to the application’s memory allocation patterns. It strikes a balance between minimizing memory overhead (by collecting frequently) and avoiding frequent stop-the-world pauses (by collecting less frequently).

Allocation Rate and Trigger Ratio

Apart from heap size, the allocation rate is another critical trigger for garbage collection. The allocation rate measures how quickly new objects are being allocated on the heap. When the allocation rate surpasses a predefined trigger ratio, a garbage collection cycle is initiated.

1. Monitoring Allocation Rate: The Go runtime continuously tracks the allocation rate, which is essentially the rate at which new objects are being created and allocated on the heap.

2. Comparison to Trigger Ratio: The allocation rate is compared to a predefined trigger ratio (often set to 100%). If the allocation rate exceeds this ratio, it signals that the application is actively allocating objects and may require garbage collection to free up memory.

3. Balancing Act: Similar to the heap size trigger, the allocation rate trigger helps balance memory allocation and collection. When the application allocates memory aggressively, the garbage collector responds accordingly to prevent excessive memory usage.

Other Heuristics

In addition to heap size and allocation rate triggers, Go’s garbage collector uses various other heuristics to decide when to initiate collection. These heuristics may consider factors such as:

- The number of live objects on the heap.
- The time elapsed since the last garbage collection cycle.
- The available system memory.

These heuristics work together to ensure that garbage collection is responsive to the application’s needs and memory usage patterns.

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