Part 5 : Custom Memory Allocators in Go

Sourav Choudhary
3 min readSep 29, 2023


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Go provides a garbage collector that automatically manages memory for your applications. However, in certain scenarios, We may have specific memory management requirements that are best addressed with custom memory allocators. Custom memory allocators allow us to take fine-grained control over memory allocation and deallocation.

1. When to Use Custom Memory Allocators

Custom memory allocators can be beneficial in situations such as:

- Reducing Allocation Overhead: In cases where frequent allocations and deallocations of small objects are performance-critical, custom allocators can be more efficient than the built-in allocator.

- Minimizing Fragmentation: Custom allocators can help mitigate memory fragmentation issues by allocating memory from a specific pool that we manage.

- Resource Pooling: For scenarios where we need to manage a limited set of resources, such as network connections or file handles, custom allocators can be used to create and manage resource pools efficiently.

2. Writing a Custom Allocator

To create a custom memory allocator in Go, we can implement our own memory allocation and deallocation logic. We can use slices, arrays, or any data structure that meets our requirements.

Here’s a simple example of a custom allocator for managing a pool of fixed-size objects:

package main

import (

type Object struct {
Data int

type ObjectPool struct {
pool []Object

func NewObjectPool(size int) *ObjectPool {
return &ObjectPool{pool: make([]Object, size)}

func (p *ObjectPool) Allocate() *Object {
for i := range p.pool {
if p.pool[i].Data == 0 {
return &p.pool[i]
return nil // Pool is full

func (p *ObjectPool) Deallocate(obj *Object) {
// Reset the object
obj.Data = 0

func main() {
pool := NewObjectPool(10)

// Allocate objects
obj1 := pool.Allocate()
obj2 := pool.Allocate()

// Use the objects

// Deallocate objects

In this example, we create a simple `ObjectPool` that can allocate and deallocate `Object` instances. The custom allocator here maintains a fixed pool of objects.

3. Benefits of Custom Allocators

Custom memory allocators offer several benefits:

- Fine-grained Control: You have complete control over memory allocation and deallocation, allowing you to optimize for specific use cases.

- Reduced Overhead: Custom allocators can be more efficient than the general-purpose allocator in Go, especially for small objects or frequently allocated objects.

- Memory Pooling: You can implement memory pooling to reuse allocated memory chunks, reducing the impact of allocation and deallocation overhead.

4. Drawbacks and Considerations

However, custom memory allocators come with some trade-offs:

- Complexity: Writing and maintaining custom allocators can be complex and error-prone. It’s essential to thoroughly test your allocator to ensure it works correctly.

- Portability: Custom allocators may not be as portable as using the built-in allocator. Code that relies on custom allocators may be less suitable for sharing across different platforms or environments.

- Memory Safety: With custom allocators, you need to be extra cautious about memory safety, including preventing memory leaks and avoiding buffer overflows.

5. Profiling and Benchmarking

Before implementing custom allocators, it’s crucial to profile and benchmark our application to identify specific areas where custom allocation logic can provide a performance benefit. Profiling tools like the `pprof` package can help us pinpoint performance bottlenecks related to memory management.

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