Not all tabular data is structured data How to convert it?

Sourav karmakar
3 min readJun 3, 2023


Tabular data is data that is organized in rows and columns. This type of data is often found in spreadsheets, databases, and other data tables. However, not all tabular data is structured data.

Structured data is data that has been organized in a way that makes it easy to understand and use. It has a specific format and a defined schema. This makes it easy to store, search, and analyze.

Example of Structured Data

Tabular data can be structured or unstructured. Structured tabular data has a fixed schema, with each column containing data of the same type. For example, a table of customer data might have columns for the customer’s name, address, phone number, and email address.

Unstructured tabular data does not have a fixed schema. The data in each column can be of different types. For example, a table of product reviews might have columns for the product name, the reviewer’s name, the reviewer’s rating, and the reviewer’s comments.

Structured Data vs Unstructured Data

Why is it important to distinguish between structured and unstructured tabular data?

It is important to distinguish between structured and unstructured tabular data because they require different processing techniques. Structured tabular data can be processed using traditional database techniques, such as SQL. Unstructured tabular data, on the other hand, requires more sophisticated techniques, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML).

How can you tell if tabular data is structured?

There are a few things you can look for to determine if tabular data is structured:

  • Does the data have a fixed schema? If the data in each column is of the same type, then the data has a fixed schema.
  • Can the data be easily stored, searched, and analyzed? If the data can be easily stored, searched, and analyzed, then it is likely structured data.
Tabular Structure of Data Set

What are the benefits of using structured tabular data?

There are many benefits to using structured tabular data, including:

  • Efficiency: Structured data can be processed more efficiently than unstructured data. This is because structured data has a fixed schema, which makes it easier to store, search, and analyze.
  • Accuracy: Structured data is less likely to contain errors than unstructured data. This is because structured data is organized in a way that makes it easier to identify and correct errors.
  • Reliability: Structured data is more reliable than unstructured data. This is because structured data is stored in a way that makes it less likely to be lost or corrupted.
  • Usability: Structured data is easier to use than unstructured data. This is because structured data is organized in a way that makes it easy to understand and analyze.

How can you convert unstructured tabular data to structured data?

If you have unstructured tabular data, you can convert it to structured data using a variety of techniques, such as:

  • Data cleaning: This involves identifying and correcting errors in the data.
  • Data normalization: This involves organizing the data into a consistent format.
  • Data annotation: This involves adding additional information to the data, such as labels or categories.


Not all tabular data is structured data. Structured data has a fixed schema, while unstructured data does not. Structured data is easier to store, search, and analyze than unstructured data. If you have unstructured tabular data, you can convert it to structured data using a variety of techniques.



Sourav karmakar

Aspiring data scientist with a passion for using data to solve complex problems.Happy to be part of this data revolution.