Realization That Drinking/Smoking are So Good

5 min readJun 14, 2022


*This article is all about my excuse for my degeneration with a bit of observation about interesting things happening to me.


It was until I came to Georgia last year that I almost never drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes let alone tried weeds… This is because I honestly thought that those things are unnecessary but only harmful to my life and even despised those who are addicted to them and waste money and time.

But ever since I decided to participate in society, socialize with people, and build solid social connections around me by getting out of a mighty hole where I sat and geeked out all day in front of my computer last year, I began to try these things and think of them way differently than before I did.

Currently, in my view, alcohol, cigarettes, hookah, weeds, etc… can be super beneficial for certain types of people, especially introverts, in ways that reduce one’s shyness/pickiness drastically and provide them with temporal extraordinary social skills. Hence, at least for me, they seem like rehabilitating medicines to help me overcome introversion and get back to society.

Unquestionably, it’s said that those things are not good for health in general. Well, my expectation is that I will be able to reduce the dependency on them over time as I get accustomed to communicating with strangers in the sober state and build intimate friendships/relationships with people so nicely/closely that I don’t necessarily overdose when I’m with them.

As a matter of fact, except for drinking wine on a particular occasion mentioned below, I haven’t drunk and smoked alone at home since it just doesn’t make sense to do so when I’m not encouraged/forced to interact with people.

It may sound a bit hilarious to others that I only deal with them due to nothing but its social practicality.

Gear 2nd: Alcohol

The first alcoholic drink that I honestly thought was nice for the first time is a Georgian red wine called Saperavi. Before, I wasn’t the person who drinks it. So why the heck did I start drinking?

There are two different reasons. The first one is about communication. In general, beers function well to make me mentally open in conversations and encourage me to talk a bit more than usual.

Movies with wine move you more

Besides, it seems like nothing is more helpful to enjoy watching movies than drinking wine. I realized that watching a movie with wine makes you more relaxed, emotional and sentimental. Last year, whenever I watch a favorite movie, for instance, The Wind Rises and Spirited Away, I drank a bottle of wine.

Surprisingly, that made me can cry even when just watching unspecial scenes in the middle of the film as well as the last ending scenes. Thus, wines are the unique medicine that makes a movie more laughable, touchy, and dramatic.

Gear 3rd: Cigarettes

Well, I smoked a cigarette for the first time when I was thirteen if I remember correctly. But it didn’t make me a smoker probably because I didn’t inhale it so properly that I could understand its good taste. And, in the first place, I wasn’t sure about the practical benefits.

But I found a few practical advantages to smoking recently ever since I started to spend time with friends and people who regularly smoke. Not to mention that smoking facilitate conversations since it makes you feel nice and relaxed, it also functions as filler words by killing awkward silence in conversations.

Moreover, if you don’t own cigarettes, you can borrow from other people so easily because smoking people have such a sharing culture. And that’s how you can smoothly kick off chatting with friends or even strangers.


Damn, before I went to Egypt, I had no idea about what Hookah or Sheesha is. But it brew my mind when I tried it in Cairo, since it turned me into such a talkative person and I actually enjoyed it so much.

The role it plays in communication is mostly similar to alcohol and cigarettes in the sense that it works as a fuel for conversations. However, from my perspective, hookah is much more effective and suitable in a way that let talking last longer than cigarettes do due to its longevity and doesn’t make you sleepy or crazy as certain alcohols do.

Gear 4th: Weeds

It’s hilarious and unexpected that the decision I made just for the purpose of socializing got me to the level where I’m casually exposed to a drug which is illegal in my home country. Weed, marijuana or cannabis, whatever, was something that I never imagined that I would ever try in my life.

Just for the record, I describe how I felt when I tripped heavily. First of all, I feel dull, dizzy and crippled pretty much both mentally and physically, meaning that I struggle with thinking things in my brain and moving my body as I wish.

And like many people who tried weed experienced, it feels like time flies slower and more heavily, images become more vivid and augmented, and those visuals in my mind change so fast and randomly that I can’t recall what I was observing and imagining for five seconds ago.

In an extreme time, you can find that something is wrong with your five senses: touch, taste, hearing, eyesight, and smell. Especially, you likely recognize the subtle illusion of what you observe visually, losing the sense of boundary between reality and arbitrary imaginations. I remember that the tactile sense was also affected interestingly in a way that my legs felt weird waves first and move like waves actually.

Whether good or bad, images and thoughts popping up in your mind are associated with your inner and fundamental fear and desire that usually you might try not to think about. I reckon that weeds can shut down certain kinds of brain networks that control your rationality and select what you are about to think.

Gear 5th: Psychedelics *Upcoming

At this rate, It’s likely that I will finally end up trying some psychedelics such as mushrooms mainly driven by curiosity, which could unlock the next door to an unknown world. So lately, I started listening to podcasts about psychedelic experiences. It feels like it’s inevitable and imminent although I’m not sure how to obtain them.

Psychedelics would not be something that helps me socialize with people more apparently but just stimulates and fulfils my inquisitiveness. Not sure why I’m intrigued and excited this much but one thing I’m kinda expecting is the illusion of death in which I assume I’m actually dead, which could give me a new sense of liveness although that might be deadly stressful.

Thanks for reading! :P

