2 min readNov 6, 2015

Why South Africa is Known as Rainbow Nation

Have you ever wondered why South African called Rainbow Nation? What do you think are the reasons why there are lots of travelers who regularly visit this country? If you are among the millions of men and women who are curious as to the alias of this country, then you are advised to continue reading this article.

This term was given by Archbishop Desmond Tutu to connote South Africa’s multicultural diversity.

Knowing the Local People of South Africa

According to statistics, the country housed about 80% of black South Africans, who belong to diverse ethnic groups, wherein the largest ethnic group is the Afrikaans, who are descendants of the Dutch settlers. The other nationalities that arrived in the country and purchased numerous slaves include Germans, Portuguese and French Huguenots. Moreover, Hindu and Islam culture and traditions are prominent in this country. To read more about such culture, visit the South African website.

The Black South Africans are known for its music, dance and art, which are largely influenced by Christian missionaries who colonized this country for two centuries. These people are adept when it comes to performing the tribal traditional dances.

There songs showcased diverse styles like rock, gospel and jazz but they have their own distinct attributes. Meanwhile, the different styles of their songs include mbube, kwaito as well as kwela but they integrated indigenous sounds in it. If you have more concerns about the topic, you may go to

The South African art is characterized a fusion of the modern and the country’s traditional art. South African artists draw their inspiration from figurines, statues and masks from ethnic tribal culture but they also combined it with modern Western mediums and techniques. The Xhosa and Zulu ethnic groups are the largest ethnic groups that accounted for about 40% of the country’s population while the remaining 60% of the population comprises of Venda, Swati/Swazi, Pedi, Tswana, Sotho, Ndebele and Venda. These people learned epics, stories and poems wholeheartedly.

Beadworks are very important to these people as it reflects their experiences and history. According to historians, every pattern of their beaded jewelry has corresponding meanings. These jewelry pieces are made from ivory and very small glass beads that are sewn to diverse kinds of leather and animal hides.

If you want to witness and to experience the rich culture and traditions of South Africa, then you are advised to book your airplane tickets in preparation for this coming vacation. For sure, you will enjoy your stay in this country and love the hospitality of its people! Read more from this Original source.