The Face of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

David L. Davis, Ph.D.
5 min readOct 31, 2021

Bad Faith and Artificial Intelligence

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution refers to a skyrocketing rate of technical change based on the confluence of artificial intelligence, bioengineering and blockchain technologies.

The First Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century was focused on manufacturing powered by steam and water. The Second Industrial Revolution was a revolution of transportation and communication powered mainly by electricity, coal and diesel. The Third Industrial Revolution was the information revolution powered mainly by the computer chip.

World Economic Forum

The Fourth Industrial Revolution was announced by Klaus Schwab at the 2016 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. A year earlier, Schwab had penned a feature article in Foriegn Affairs, introducing the concept to a mainstream readership. According to the WEF, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is poised to end world hunger, reduce inequality and hold the line on catastrophic climate change. However, critics call this a marketing campaign to distract the public from evidence of widening inequality, deepening social divisions, and eroding democracy.

The Facebook Papers



David L. Davis, Ph.D.

David L Davis (Raindawg) is a historian, writer, artist, musician, traveler and gardener. Their work revolves around social justice and the human spirit.