Welcome to the iBTC community!

3 min readOct 30, 2017

If you are new to the iBTC community, welcome! You are joining one of the best fast growing communities in the crypto-space. Over the past few weeks we have seen explosive growth and we expect it to continue to grow with the time. If you are reading this, you may have the opportunity to become an early adopter of a financial revolution that is taking the world by storm.

What is iBTC ?

Its a decentralized secure cryptocurrency build on Ethereum platform that offers private and transparent transaction types. The bold new concept, which is looking to become a leading tokenized version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum Blockchain. It will not only boost Ethereum’s recognition in the crypto-space but also in the eyes of the public providing a new concept of representative Bitcoin. We believe that innovative Bitcoin token “iBTC” with adoption could be game changer in investing approach to cryptocurrencies.

Investors enthusiasm for erc20 tokens has previously resulted in new attractive concept of investing, as we have seen in previous successful projects.
iBTC payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient and amount of a transaction remain private.

Why iBTC ?

Does only to me BTC looks TOO expensive? …well we got new innovative Bitcoin “iBTC” that can be sent from peer to peer over the internet. Though similar to LTC and BTC.
1. Send transactions to anyone through P2P network.
2. Instant transactions, lightning fast transactions give you a peace of mind.
3. Low fees, grow more by paying lower fees per transaction.

iBTC stays true to the original vision of digital money, a financial system owned by its users, the people’s coin.

Roadmap overview

1. Payment We intend to integrate your iBTC tokens for payment in day to day. You will receive your own customized VISA/ MasterCard number that you can use online for payment. In future, offline payments will also be supported.

2. Seamless Exchange Seamless and decentralized exchange would be setup that would enable 0% commission on ETH-BTC-IBTC transactions and a minimal commission on other crypto.

3. SmartContracts Enabler We will work with organizations or government to create and implement blockchain powered solutions such as digital identity, supply chain, etc. Invoice will be paid in iBTC tockens

Services: All our projects will be categorized into any of these three


We are currently modifying the whitepaper to reflect the new changes. Kindly follow our twitter page or subscribe to our mailing list for updates.Whitepaper coming soon as we are putting the finishing touches to a new whitepaper.

Wallet release

Seems like everything is going smooth, the team is working hard and good stuff is on the way! wallet will be released soon…, team are building it slowly but surely.


★80% Airdrop
★10% Development
★10% Marketing PR

Where To Buy ?


Future Exchanges:

HitBTC (cooming soon)

Nova Exchange

We are looking for smart developers like you

As our community grow we have a need for passionate programmers. We are now looking for Developers that demonstrated an interest in advanced techniques such as formal methods, logic, formal specifications or similar or by having done similar things in your previous professional career or during your spare time.

…is that you, join us!

Support: info@ibtc.fun

We are here to stay so FEEL free to join us.


  1. Official Site: http://ibtctoken.com/
    2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibtctoken
    3. Support: info@ibtc.fun
    4. Join Telegram Chat: https://t.me/joinchat/FNH590OePKXIG4kci-Z--w
    5. Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2251334.0

We hope you are looking forward to participating!

iBTC supporter : Southnjinja

