Avatar Background Update

Southside City
3 min readAug 16, 2022

Step by step avatars are being crafted to be the most aesthetically pleasing and exquisite collection in web3.

The plan is to have approximately thirty backgrounds. Each background has been carefully curated to encapsulate the vibe of Southside City. A combination of rebellion, narcotics, “darkweb,” and “OG” aesthetics have been used. Take a look and let us know if you like what you see.


A scene of a Federal narcotics bust, somewhere in the USA.


A heavily edited screenshot from stakedaf. Overlayed with FORTUNE FAVORS THE BOLD.


Homemade pink molly from an SSC holders.


A scene from a mass riot, somewhere in the USA.

trappin in the meta

An edit of various hyper-early screenshots and renders of SSC.

the market

An edited screenshot from the “STORE” demo.


An amalgamation of SSC lore, screenshots, Vitalik, and a SSC-themed piece by jt00ns.

The process has been basically creating approximately one hundred “rough draft” backgrounds. Then after getting absolutely fucking blasted, I picked out the favorite ones. Then the aesthetic was slowly assembled.

Another cool thing is that we’ll be manually editing the lightbox for each of your avatars in relation to the randomly picked background.


For example, in this janky egg avatar, the green lights and red lights of shroomtype.jpeg are reflected.

We’re super stoked to be getting closer and closer to avatar reveal. With just three-hundred, we’ll be manually rendering each one to ensure the upmost quality.

