Understanding React Reconciliation in React 18: A Deep Dive

React 18’s enhanced reconciliation algorithm brings harmony between performance and user experience, propelling web development to new heights.

Souvik Sen
4 min readJun 3, 2023
react reconciliation


React 18 brings significant advancements to the reconciliation algorithm, which plays a crucial role in efficiently updating the user interface in response to changes in the underlying data. In this in-depth blog post, we will explore React Reconciliation, its significance, and the advancements made in React 18. Let’s dive deep into this fascinating topic!

What is React Reconciliation?

React Reconciliation is the process by which React determines the changes made to the virtual DOM and applies those changes efficiently to the actual DOM. It ensures that the user interface remains synchronized with the underlying data, minimizing unnecessary updates and rendering only the necessary components.

In previous versions of React, the reconciliation algorithm, also known as “diffing” or “tree diffing,” compared the previous and current virtual DOM trees to identify differences and update the affected components accordingly. However, this approach had limitations, particularly when dealing with large and complex component hierarchies.

Reconciliation in React 18:

React 18 introduces an enhanced reconciliation algorithm that takes advantage of Concurrent Mode. Concurrent Mode allows React to work on multiple tasks concurrently, without blocking the main thread, leading to better responsiveness and smoother user experiences.

The new reconciliation algorithm in React 18, known as “Concurrent React,” divides the reconciliation work into smaller units called “fibers” and prioritizes them based on their importance. This approach enables React to efficiently interrupt and resume the reconciliation process, prioritizing user interactions and other high-priority tasks.

Concurrent Mode:

import { useState } from 'react';

function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1);

return (
<h2>Count: {count}</h2>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Increment</button>

In the above code snippet, we have a simple counter component that displays a count value and a button to increment it. Whenever the button is clicked, the setCount function updates the state, triggering React Reconciliation to update the UI.

Key Concepts in React Reconciliation:

01 Fiber Reconciliation:

The reconciliation process in React 18 operates at the fiber level. A fiber represents a component and its corresponding work. By dividing the reconciliation work into smaller fibers, React can manage and prioritize them more efficiently.

02 Render Phase and Commit Phase:

The reconciliation process is divided into two main phases: the render phase and the commit phase. In the render phase, React traverses the component tree, creating or updating the fibers. It determines what components need to be rendered and builds a priority list based on the urgency of their updates.

In the commit phase, React applies the changes to the actual DOM. This phase is also divided into multiple priority levels, allowing React to prioritize critical updates and respond to user interactions without compromising performance.

Benefits of React 18 Reconciliation:

01 Improved Performance:

The new reconciliation algorithm in React 18 brings significant performance improvements by reducing unnecessary updates and optimizing the rendering process. This results in faster and more responsive React applications, even with complex component hierarchies.

02 Smoother User Experience:

Concurrent Mode allows React to handle tasks concurrently, ensuring that user interactions and important updates take priority. This leads to smoother user experiences, even in complex and interactive applications.

03 Reduced Jank:

Jank refers to the visual stuttering or jerkiness experienced during animations or transitions. React 18’s reconciliation enhancements minimize jank, providing a seamless and visually pleasing experience for users.

Advanced Techniques in React 18 Reconciliation:

01 Suspense:

React 18 introduces an enhanced version of the Suspense component, which allows developers to define fallback UIs for components that are asynchronously loaded. This enables smoother transitions and better user experiences, especially when loading large chunks of data or resources.

import { Suspense, lazy } from 'react';

const LazyComponent = lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent'));

function App() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading…</div>}>
<LazyComponent />

In the above code snippet, we use the Suspense component along with the lazy function to lazily load a component, LazyComponent, only when it’s needed. The fallback prop displays a loading indicator while the component is being loaded, improving the user experience.

02 Optimizing Performance with the key Prop:
In React, the key prop plays a crucial role in efficient reconciliation and performance optimization. By assigning a unique key to each item in a list of components, React can identify and track individual items more effectively during updates. This allows React to differentiate between new items, deleted items, and re-ordered items, resulting in more precise updates and minimizing unnecessary re-rendering of components.

function ItemList({ items }) {
return (
{items.map((item) => (
<Item key={item.id} item={item} />

In the code snippet above, we have an ItemList component that receives an array of items. By assigning a unique key to each Item component rendered within the map function, React can optimize the rendering process. When the items array is updated, React can efficiently determine which items have changed, been added, or removed based on their key prop, leading to more efficient reconciliation and improved performance.


React 18 introduces a more efficient and powerful reconciliation algorithm, known as Concurrent React, which leverages Concurrent Mode to enhance performance and improve the overall user experience. By dividing the reconciliation work into smaller units and prioritizing tasks, React ensures that updates are applied optimally, resulting in faster rendering and smoother interactions.



Souvik Sen

Software Engineer at Quantorix. Passionate about creating innovative software solutions and improving the user experience.