Smart Contract Interaction (Dapps) Made Easy

Don’t spend time building UI for your smart contracts. Let the users smartly interact with your contract.

Sowmay Jain
4 min readJun 19, 2018

It’s been over a year I started programming solidity and interacting with smart contracts on ethereum blochchain.

Blockchain technology — and Ethereum in particular — has gained international attention and traction since its release in 2015. The Ethereum blockchain is, without a doubt, the most active smart contract platform in existence. Of the top 100 tokens by market cap, 94% are built on top of Ethereum. Of the top 800 tokens, 87% are built on Ethereum.

I’m involved in a few projects, so I’m used to getting introduced to developers building contracts. It’s fun to see how people are building the future and a good way to give back.

The Problem.

The biggest challenge is to interact and let others interact with smart contract.

Last year, we had launched a Fund Managing Protocol on Ethereum Blockchain, MoatFund with DAO implemented so the stakeholders vote for each investment proposal we keep on the table. We had to choose one of the following:

  • Build an interactive dapp where the members can vote for our investment proposal.
  • Educate users on how to interact with our smart contract. Not an easy task though.

Building dapp demands high security as real money is involved. Educating users is very time consuming.

The Solution.

This is where we came up with an idea to build a dapp which facilates the smooth interaction with all smart contracts deployed on ethereum blockchain (mainnet or testnets).

Don’t spend time building UI for your contracts. Instead use Conteract to let the users smartly interact with your contract.

One-click import of verified etherscan contract.

Here’s the link to sample contract:

Ques) I’m under impression that MyEtherWallet already provides this feature.

You need to submit contract address and ABI everytime you interact with the contract. Also, they don’t have proper error handling. Sometimes, I keep wondering why I’m not getting the expected result after calling functions.

Whereas lets you securely upload your smart contract details (on our servers) and access it via a publicly accessible unique URL without any hassle of storing ABI, address, and network details.

Share your contract with any noobs in the world without having your own seperate website (dapp) to interact. No need to share hex addresses or ABIs.

All they need is an ethereum client like Metamask to connect your device with ethereum blockchain for WRITE functions.

Following are few features which will make your life more easy.

Share Function Easily.

Your contract might have hundreds of functions and variables. Finding the right function may sometime cost you a minute and is not that user friendly.

Conteract makes it real easy for anyone to run and share functions directly from URL parameters. For example, following link will automatically open up the getAddr function from the contract.

Come on. Click it. I’ll wait.

…with pre-filled values if you specified the value of argument name in the function.

This is very useful if you want to share specific functions with some exact values in the arguments.

Infura Integration

There’s very high possibility that your targeted users might not have any ethereum client installed on their devices.

No need to worry. We have integrated our dapp with infura to read blockchain data without any need of middleware client. However, the results might get delayed in our launching period.

We also have plans to run our own Ethereum Node to increase the efficiency and scalability of our dapp platform.

Let us know in our Telegram Group what you think about it or get in touch on Twitter if looking for quick response.

Give it a try:

