Start Learning Commands Using Linux And Git

3 min readSep 14, 2020


I had recently learnt about Linux and its terminal command from and was totally surprised because almost all tasks can be done with the help of Linux terminal. Whether it is checking the file contents or analyzing big data to even posting a message on twitter ! all these can be done with the help of Linux terminal.

Linux and Git were 2 skills that I felt I wanted to master. Both of them were in my Bucket List of things I wish to learn. I casually procrastinated that I’d learn them. Until I came across ….

Coincidentally, they were hosting the September Edition of #IBelieveInDoing. This year their theme was Linux and Git. This felt like killing 2 birds with the same stone !

Linux Basics 1

This byte takes us through the these things :

  1. Getting familiar with the intimidating command line
  2. The basic commands needed to navigate through the Linux Filesystem
  3. Some really interesting facts about linux.
  4. Redirecting input and output.

The Linux OS includes several different pieces:

1.Bootloader — The software that manages the boot process of your computer. for many users, this may simply be a splash screen that pops up and eventually goes away else into the OS.

2.Kernel — this is often the one piece of the entire that’s actually called?Linux?. The kernel is that the core of the system and manages the CPU, memory, and peripheral devices. The kernel is the lowest level of the OS.

3. Init system — this is often a sub-system that bootstraps the user space and is charged with controlling daemons. one among the foremost widely used init systems is the system? which also happens to be one among the foremost controversial. it’s the init system that manages the boot process, once the initial booting is handed over from the bootloader (i.e., GRUB or GRand Unified Bootloader).

Why Linux?

A majority of systems around the world run some form of Linux. These range from enterprise and desktop servers to smartphones.

  • 60 to 70% of all Web Servers in the world run some form of Linux/Unix and ~90% of all cloud computing happens on Linux based servers.
  • Most of the smartphones in the world run on Linux.
  • Mac is based on Unix and supports a terminal where these commands can be run.

Git Basics

This byte helps in understanding the basic git workflow. It was a competely practical and hands on approach.

It started with setting up Git / Gitlab for the command line using HTTPS or SSH.

This byte then motivates one to experiment with the basic git commands like git clone, git add, git push, git pull.

It also proceeded to explain what are branches and what are merge conflicts.


Crio.Do is a platform which is perfectly designed for most of the IT individuals who loves to learn things by doing. It helps in exploring different ways like reading documentations, communicating in forums and many more to reach the goal. Thank You Crio.Do for this wonderful experience. I would love to participate in more such challenges.

