Java Developer , What you need to know?

Step by step guide to becoming a modern backend developer

Juan Manuel Lopez
5 min readJul 8, 2020

This guide will absolutely assist you in answering different such consuming inquiries, for example, the innovations that the Java engineer must learn? You ought to likewise realize what are the apparatuses that cause you to be the better Java Developer? Likewise, which sort of structure the Java Developer should learn.
Anyway, we should encounter this Software Engineer RoadMap to understand how to come to be a Java Developer.
Btw, you in no way, shape or form require to fathom everything on this guide to wind up being a software engineer. All things considered, you don’t likewise require to pay attention to them that on the off chance that you would prefer not to. Rather, utilize these maps as a start show help your understanding as you go.

Principals skills — Design Patterns, YAGNI, KISS, SOLID

When I started programming I was happy that my program was compiling and was working as I expected it to work, but as I wrote more and more code over time I’ve started to appreciate design patterns.
Design patterns not only make my code better, more readable and easier to maintain, but also save me a lot, and I mean A LOT of debugging hours.
That is why…



Juan Manuel Lopez

Technical Manager at NTTData — Leading teams to exceptional results through cutting-edge programming practices - 15+ years of expertise in software engineering.