So you like mint chocolate chip ice cream

soz aziz
4 min readAug 20, 2020
Photo by Lam Nguyen on Unsplash

(Disclaimer: I would like to apologise in advance if you’re someone who actually enjoys this flavour. No hard feelings.)

First of all, we as a civilised society need to move beyond the need to enjoy an ice cream flavour that is basically the combination of toothpaste and chocolate. I mean how is mint chocolate chip ice cream more socially acceptable than drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth?

So, naturally, this kept me up at night and it got me thinking… How did mint chocolate chip ice cream even become a thing?

To get to the bottom of why and how mint chocolate chip ice cream became a thing, I did some googling…

Wikipedia surprisingly didn’t give off much other than it was created in 1973 during a competition for Princess Anne’s wedding. After that, the flavour really seemed to hit off which still pegged the question: How did mint chocolate chip ice cream become so popular?

Now, I really had to dig deep, I mean I even ended up on the second page of my google search. But, alas, it was unfruitful. Buzzfeed just had a strong anti-mint post bombarded with blonde Kris Jenner gifs. The post didn’t provide any useful information, but was interesting to read the many reasons why this writer passionately hated mint chocolate chip ice cream. According to some…

