Googling the Google Pixel

Selen Ozpolat
3 min readNov 5, 2021


Okay, so, this is my second blog post assignment for my social media course, and what’s special about this is that I’m writing it on my Google Pixel. That was some ‘subtle’ foreshadowing right there. Anyway, I’m here to talk about a brand’s use of social media platforms, and I chose Google this my assignment. Now, don’t worry! I wasn’t about to tackle a multi-billion-dollar company. So, I decided to narrow my search a little bit, by analyzing the Google Pixel social media platforms. You could say: “But Selen, Google Pixel isn’t a brand. It’s just a product of Google!”. I beg to differ. Considering the enormous impact Google has on this world, I would easily say almost any Google product can be accepted as its own brand. But enough with the chit chat. Let’s get to business.

As a fan of Google Pixel myself (could you tell?), I was hoping to find a lot of social media engagement from them, since they are a brand in the 21st century. However, after doing some research, I found out that Google Pixel only has an official Instagram account. Only Instagram? What about Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc.? This was a clear red flag. I went on their Instagram, and honestly, I was expecting something different.


I was imagining to see some cool shots of the new Pixel they are launching, some marketing posts, maybe a few celebrities… But no. Google Pixel’s Instagram looked like a photography account. I had to double check to see if I was on the right page. I may have been a little skeptical in the beginning, but the posts caught my eye. The photos were appealing, crisp, and vivid. Come to find out, they were taken on the Google Pixel 6. So, they were not showing the product itself, but what you can achieve with it. And I enjoyed every single second of it. It felt more welcoming compared to other brands who use in-your-face type marketing. Also, most of the photos were taken by Google Pixel owners and submitted by using the #TeamPixel hashtag. To be featured on a 700K + account on Instagram is a great motivation, if you ask me.

Even though I wasn’t too upset about their Instagram, let’s talk about what they are clearly lacking: everything else. They have no other social media presence. Okay, fine. I can hear the arguments about Google itself having social media accounts, but even then, I still wasn’t seeing the most effective and important platform right now: TikTok. We all now by now that TikTok has a hold on our generation. The most random sound, dance move, effect goes viral and it affects how we speak, act, and live our lives. We also now the decades-long competition between Android phones and Apple phones. And what is the main argument in this competition? That’s right, it’s camera quality. Now, I don’t know about you, but if my branding primarily depended on how amazing my camera quality is, I would do everything to brag about it. And what better way to do that, on the generation that is taking the world by storm, instead of some older generations who can’t use a phone without a home button?

I feel like this turned into a rant rather than a blog post. Nevertheless, I would love to see Google Pixel branching out on other social media platforms so that I can have some friends who love the Pixel phones as much as I do.



Selen Ozpolat

A Media Production student at Ryerson University