Unlocking Corporate Insights with AI: Your Interactive Financial Analyst on Google Cloud

Google Cloud - Community
17 min readAug 1, 2024

Imagine having an AI-powered analyst that instantly distills the most critical information from a company’s financial statements, news, and market trends. That’s exactly what we’re building today!
1. Gather data seamlessly and fuse together in a context
2. Extract key metrics and trends
3. Create an interactive chatbot for insightful summaries

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover how Large Language Models (LLMs) extract insights from financial documents.
  • Gain hands-on experience with Google Cloud (Vertex AI, Google Cloud Storage).
  • Learn to integrate structured and unstructured data for a holistic company view.
  • Build an interactive chatbot for financial data exploration.
  • Get introduced to the LangChain framework for LLM-powered applications.
  • Understand embeddings for semantic search and analysis.

Taming the Data Deluge

Financial analysts are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data they need to process. GC CorpSpectrum, powered by Google Cloud and AI, aims to simplify financial analysis by transforming complex data into actionable insights.

A Fusion of Technologies

GC CorpSpectrum integrates:

  • Google Cloud: Provides scalable infrastructure and services.
  • Gemini Pro (Vertex AI):A state-of-the-art LLM powering the interactive chatbot and analysis.
  • Google Custom Search Engine API: Retrieves relevant news and trends.
  • Alpha Vantage API: Provides financial market data and sentiment analysis.
  • TextBlob: Performs sentiment analysis on news articles.
  • Sentence Transformers: Generates embeddings of text chunks for semantic search.
  • ChromaDB: A vector database for efficient storage and retrieval of embeddings.
  • LangChain: Orchestrates interactions between components.

Data Flow and Architecture

  1. User Input: Company name and annual statement (PDF).
  2. Company Details Extraction: Gemini Pro extracts key details.
  3. Data Enrichment: News, market data, and sentiment analysis are fetched.
  4. PDF Processing and Embedding: Text chunks are converted into embeddings and stored.
  5. Context Building: All data is combined into a rich context.
  6. Interactive Chatbot: User interacts with Gemini Pro via a chatbot interface.
  7. Response Generation: Gemini Pro generates insightful responses based on the context.

Benefits and Applications

GC CorpSpectrum offers:

  • Efficiency: Streamlines financial analysis.
  • Insights: Combines structured and unstructured data for deeper insights.
  • Accessibility: User-friendly conversational interface.

Potential applications include investment research, financial reporting, and due diligence.


GC CorpSpectrum demonstrates the power of combining Google Cloud and AI to revolutionize financial analysis. By fusing diverse data sources and leveraging advanced language models, it opens new possibilities for gaining insights and making informed decisions in the financial landscape.

# Data Flow:

1. Initialize setup
2. User inputs company name and uploads PDF to Google Cloud Storage.
3. Gemini Pro extracts company details.
4. Google Custom Search Engine fetches industry news.
5. Alpha Vantage API fetches market data and news sentiment.
6. TextBlob analyzes sentiment of news.
7. PDF is processed into chunks and embeddings along with additional context from step 4,5,6. Embeddings are stored in ChromaDB.
8. User query is fed to LLM with combined context from company details, news, sentiment, and relevant PDF chunks.
9. Chatbot is created to answer user queries, fed with conversation history

Call to action

To learn more about Google Cloud services and to create impact for the work you do, get around to these steps right away:


Module 1

Step 1: Initializing Your Google Cloud Environment

This section sets up the foundation for your project:
Install Google Cloud Storage Library:
!pip install google-cloud-storage
This command uses pip, the Python package installer, to download and install the google-cloud-storage library. This library provides the tools to interact with Google Cloud Storage (GCS), where you’ll store and retrieve data.

Import Necessary Modules:

from google.cloud import storage
import os

from google.cloud import storage: This line imports the core storage module from the library, giving you the classes and functions needed to work with GCS buckets and objects.
import os: This imports Python's built-in os module, which provides ways to interact with your operating system, such as accessing environment variables (which we'll use later for credentials).

Module 1

Step 2: Authenticating to Google Cloud

This code handles the secure login process:
Import Authentication Module:
from google.colab import auth

This line imports the auth module from the google.colab library. This module provides functions specifically designed for authenticating to Google Cloud services within a Colab environment.

Authenticate User:

This function initiates the authentication process. Typically, it will:
1. Open a browser window:
2. You’ll be prompted to sign in with your Google account.
3. Request Permissions: You might need to grant Colab access to your Google Cloud resources.
4. Generate Credentials: Once authenticated, the function will generate temporary credentials that Colab can use to access your Google Cloud project.

Module 2

Get User Input & Handle File Uploads

This section handles user input and cloud storage interaction:
1. In Google Cloud Console, create a new project and link a billing account to it.
2. Navigate to the Cloud Storage section and click “Create Bucket”.
3. Choose a unique bucket name, select a storage class and location, and click “Create”. First, create a Vertex AI account and a project within the account. Then, enable billing for the project and create a storage bucket with input folders.

Define Helper Functions:
upload_file_to_gcs(file_path, bucket_name, destination_blob_name):

1. Takes a local file path, the GCS bucket name, and the desired name for the file in GCS.
2. Uploads the file to the specified bucket using the Google Cloud Storage client.
3. Returns the full GCS path (e.g., gs://your-bucket/your-file.pdf)

get_pdf_temp_url(bucket_name, object_name):
1. Downloads a PDF from GCS to memory.
2. Creates a temporary local file and writes the PDF data to it.
3. Return a URL-like string that LangChain (or other libraries) can use to easily read the PDF.

Prompt User for Input: prompt_user_for_input():
1. Prints instructions for the user.
2. Gets two inputs from the user: the annual statement file path (annual_statement_i) and the company name (company_name_i).
3. Returns both values.

Upload & Process Input: Sets the GCS bucket (corp_spec) and folder (input_documents).
Calls prompt_user_for_input() to get the file path and company name.
Calls upload_file_to_gcs() to upload the annual statement to the GCS bucket, preserving the original file extension.
Stores the company name and the GCS path of the uploaded file in variables.

Module 3

Initialize the Gemini Pro Model

This part gets your powerful AI model ready for action:
Import Libraries: vertexai: The main library for interacting with Vertex AI services.
generative_models: Specific tools for working with generative AI models like Gemini Pro.
Other libraries for handling JSON, base64 encoding, and displaying outputs.
import base64
import vertexai
import json
from vertexai.generative_models import GenerativeModel, Part, FinishReason
import vertexai.preview.generative_models as generative_models
from vertexai.preview.language_models import TextGenerationModel

Set Project and Location: PROJECT_ID: Your unique Google Cloud project identifier.
LOCATION: The region where you want your AI resources to be located (e.g., "us-central1").
Initialize Vertex AI: vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location=LOCATION): This crucial line establishes the connection between your code and your Google Cloud project.
Select the Gemini Pro Model: MODEL_ID = "gemini-1.5-pro-001": This specifies the exact model you want to use (Gemini Pro 1.5 in this case).
model = GenerativeModel(MODEL_ID): This creates an instance of the model object, which you'll use to interact with the AI.
Configure Generation Settings: generation_config: A dictionary containing parameters to control how the model generates responses.
max_output_tokens: Limits the length of the model's output.
temperature: Adjusts the "creativity" of the model (higher values mean more creative/less predictable).
top_p: Another way to control the output variety (related to sampling techniques).
Set Safety Settings: safety_settings: This dictionary defines how strictly the model should avoid generating harmful content. You're setting thresholds for various categories of harm (hate speech, dangerous content, etc.) to "BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE." This is a responsible approach to ensure the model doesn't produce undesirable output.

Module 4

Extract Company Details

This part uses the Gemini Pro model to gather information about the company:
Craft the Prompt:
prompt = f"for this company: {company_name}, generate following fields...":
This creates a clear instruction for the model, asking it to provide details like the company website, industry, competitors, and products. Notice how we embed the company_name variable directly into the prompt, making it dynamic.
Define the generate Function:
def generate(prompt):
vertexai.init(project="trans-density-429404-a6", location="us-central1")
model = GenerativeModel(
system_instruction=["""you have a company name as input, generate only the data asked in prompt in this format-
field x: generated data relevant to field x
; field y: generated data relevant to field y"""]
This function encapsulates the interaction with the Gemini Pro model.Generate the Response:
responses = model.generate_content(

Process the Response:
saved_response_prep.split(';')- Splits the response text into fields using the semicolon delimiter (;).
Initializes variables to store extracted information. Iterates over fields: Splits each field into a key (field name) and value. Checks if the key matches one of the desired fields and, if so, stores the value in the appropriate variable.
Loops through the variable names and prints the extracted information in a readable format.

Module 5

Get Industry News & Trends and Calculate Market Sentiment

This part fetches relevant information from the web using Google’s search capabilities:
To create API- Enable Custom Search API in Google Cloud Console or generate through https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview#monitoring
2. To create Search Engine ID- https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/controlpanel/all
Install the API Client:
!pip install google-api-python-client
# Import necessary libraries
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
This installs the necessary library for interacting with Google APIs.

Import and Set Up:
Import the build function to create service objects for interacting with APIs.
# Define your API key and Search Engine ID
from google.colab import userdata
api_key = userdata.get('APIkeyCSE')
cse_id = userdata.get('CSEid')
Get your API key (api_key) from Vertex AI platform and Custom Search Engine ID (cse_id) from https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/controlpanel/all.
Define google_search Function:
This function takes a search query, your credentials, and optional parameters (**kwargs). It builds a customsearch service object using the build function and your api_key. Calls the service.cse().list() method to perform the search, providing your cse_id and the query. Returns the search results.
# Function to perform Google search on Industry and trends
def google_search(query, api_key, cse_id, **kwargs):
service = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key)
res = service.cse().list(q=query, cx=cse_id, **kwargs).execute()
return res

Construct the Query and Execute the search:
query_ind = f"""Industry report and trends for: {relevant_industry}"""
This dynamically inserts the relevant_industry extracted in the previous step to create a targeted search query.
results_ind = google_search(query_ind, api_key, cse_id)
This calls the google_search function to perform the search and stores the results.

Extract, Store and Display News Data:
The code extracts specific pieces of information (titles, snippets) from the raw search results, which can be further processed or used as context for later analysis.
Creates lists to store all news titles (industry_title) and all news snippets (industry_snippet) seaparately in industry_title and industry_snippet respectively.
Analyze Sentiment (with TextBlob):
Imports TextBlob for sentiment analysis.
# Sentiment analysis
from textblob import TextBlob
Initializes TextBlob objects for each news title and calculate sentiment polarity scores (ranging from -1 to 1) and Calculate average sentiment.
for item in results_ind.get('items', []):
analysis = TextBlob(item['snippet'])
sentiment_scores.append(analysis.sentiment.polarity) # -1 (negative) to 1 (positive)
average_sentiment = sum(sentiment_scores) / len(sentiment_scores)
print("Average News Sentiment:", average_sentiment)

In a similar way, We can find relevant news and trends about company, its competitors or market to expand the scope of code functionality.

Module 6

Get Market Data

This section utilizes the Alpha Vantage API to retrieve financial information and news sentiment for the given company:
Generate API key- https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key
2. Alpha Vantage documentation- https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/
Install the Library:
!pip install alpha_vantage
This installs the alpha_vantage library to interact with their financial data API.
Import and Set API Key: Import the TimeSeries class from the library. Provide your Alpha Vantage API key (api_key).
from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries
# api_key for Alpha Vantage API key
api_key = 'APIkeyAV'
Define find_ticker Function: Takes the company_name as input, and uses the get_symbol_search method to query Alpha Vantage for potential ticker symbols associated with the company.
(ticker symbol- a unique grouping of letters that identifies a specific company, e.g. AAPL for Apple)
def find_ticker(company_name):
ts = TimeSeries(key=api_key)
data, meta_data = ts.get_symbol_search(company_name)
if not data.empty: # Check if the DataFrame is empty
return data.iloc[0]['1. symbol'] # Access the first row and '1. symbol' column
return "Ticker not found."

Fetch Company Overview through Alpha Vantage: Constructs a URL for fetching company overview data using the ticker found in the previous step.
overview_data = requests.get(
Time series Intraday data plotting:
Importing libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
Data extraction and transformation
time_series_data = data['Time Series (5min)']
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(time_series_data, orient='index')
df = df.astype(float)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
df = df.sort_index()

To explore market details about a company, follow instructions in https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/

Module 7

Step 1: Install Libraries and Packages to Process PDF file

This step is where we transform the unstructured text of the annual statement into a format that our AI can understand and analyze effectively. Here’s the detailed breakdown:
Install Required Libraries: These commands install a suite of libraries essential for text processing, embedding generation, and working with the Gemini models:
!pip install langchain # langchain: A framework for building applications powered by language models.
!pip install langchain-community # langchain-community: Additional components for LangChain.
!pip install pypdf # pypdf: A library for parsing PDF files.
!pip install --upgrade chromadb # chromadb: A vector database for efficient storage and retrieval of embeddings.
!pip install tiktoken # tiktoken: A fast BPE tokenizer often used with OpenAI models.
!pip install sentence-transformers # sentence-transformers: Library for generating high-quality sentence embeddings.
!pip install google.generativeai # google.generativeai: Official Google library for working with their generative AI models.
!pip install langchain-google-genai # langchain-google-genai: Integration of Google's generative AI capabilities into LangChain.
Import Necessary Modules:
import chromadb
import numpy as np
# ...(other imports related to langchain, sentence-transformers, chromadb, etc.)
Set Environment Variable for Google API Key:
os.environ["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] = userdata.get('gcloudAPIKey')
This retrieves your Google Cloud API key (which you presumably stored in Colab’s userdata) and sets it as an environment variable. This allows the libraries to automatically authenticate and access Google Cloud services.

Explanation of Key Concepts:
Embeddings: Embeddings are numerical representations of text that capture semantic meaning. They allow us to measure similarity between pieces of text, which is crucial for tasks like question answering and information retrieval.
ChromaDB: A specialized database designed to store and efficiently search through these embeddings.
Sentence Transformers: A library that provides pre-trained models to generate high-quality sentence embeddings.
LangChain: A powerful framework that simplifies the process of building applications that interact with language models. It provides tools for chaining together different components (like document loaders, text splitters, embedding models, and language models) to create complex workflows.
Google Generative AI: Libraries that connect LangChain to Google’s suite of generative models, allowing you to harness their capabilities.

Module 7

Step 2: Process PDF file & Create Embeddings

This part gets your PDF data ready for the AI to understand. Let us explore the PDF file processig step by step-
Load the PDF: pdf_loader = PyPDFLoader(pdf_url): This loads the annual statement PDF using the previously generated temporary URL. documents = pdf_loader.load(): Extracts text content from the PDF pages into a list of Document objects.
Add context from Module 4,5,6:
add_context = f"Relevant industry is {relevant_industry}, \n Industry news sentiment is {sentiment}, \n company offerings are {products}, \n industry news snippets are {industry_snippet},\n Intraday company data is {data}"
all_text += add_context
Split the Text: text_splitter.split_text(all_text): Creates a text splitter that breaks the document into smaller chunks based on a maximum character count. Initializes an empty texts list to store the chunks. Iterates over each document (page) and Splits the page content into chunks using the text splitter and adds them to the texts list.
Initialize Sentence Transformer Model: model_batch = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2'): Loads a pre-trained sentence embedding model called "all-MiniLM-L6-v2." This model will be used to convert text chunks into numerical vector representations (embeddings).
Process Text in Batches: batch_size = 100: Sets the number of text chunks to process in each batch. Initializes an empty embeddings list to store the generated embeddings. Iterates over the texts in batches: Encodes each batch using the model_batch.encode function, which returns a numpy array of embeddings. Appends these embeddings to the embeddings list.
Concatenate Embeddings: embeddings_np = np.concatenate(embeddings, axis=0): Combines all the embeddings from different batches into a single numpy array (embeddings_np).
Initialize Chroma Client: client1 = chromadb.Client(): Creates a client to interact with the Chroma database.
Create or Connect to Chroma Collection: collection = client1.create_collection("my_collection"): Either creates a new collection called "my_collection" in ChromaDB or connects to an existing one with that name.
Add Embeddings to the Collection: collection.add(...): Adds the text chunks (texts) and their corresponding embeddings (embeddings_np) to the ChromaDB collection. Each chunk gets a unique ID.
Get and Print Sample Documents: sample_docs = collection.get(limit=5): Retrieves 5 random documents from the collection.

Get and Print Sample Documents:
sample_docs = collection.get(limit=5): Retrieves 5 random documents from the collection.
Key Takeaways:
Text Splitting: Breaking the PDF into manageable chunks is essential for efficient processing and embedding generation.
Sentence Embeddings: These numerical representations capture the semantic meaning of each text chunk, allowing the model to understand relationships between different pieces of information.
ChromaDB: A powerful tool for storing and searching through embeddings. Think of it as a way to organize and index your information, making it easily accessible later.
Batch Processing: Processing embeddings in batches helps manage memory usage and can be faster than encoding each chunk individually.

Module 8

Step 1: Prepare Embeddings for Gemini Pro

This short but crucial step bridges the gap between your text embeddings and the language model:
!pip install langchain huggingface_hub transformers
: This library gives you access to a vast repository of pre-trained machine learning models hosted on the Hugging Face Hub. This includes the sentence embedding model you'll be using here.
transformers: This library provides the tools to load and use those models in your code.
Import and Load Hugging Face Embeddings:
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
model_embed = "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"
embeddings1 = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name=model_embed)
: This class from LangChain is specifically designed to work with embedding models from the Hugging Face Hub.
model_embed: Specifies the name of the embedding model you want to use. In this case, you're using the same "all-MiniLM-L6-v2" model that you used earlier to generate the embeddings.
embeddings1 = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(model_name=model_embed): This line creates an instance of the HuggingFaceEmbeddings class, loading the specified model and making it ready for use.
Key Points:
Standardization: By using the HuggingFaceEmbeddings class from LangChain, you’re ensuring that your embeddings are in a format that LangChain can easily work with, regardless of the specific model you choose. This makes it easier to swap out embedding models if needed.
Reusing Embeddings: You’re creating a new embedding object (embeddings1) with the same model as before. This isn’t for generating new embeddings, but rather for working with the existing ones in a way that’s compatible with LangChain.
Preparation for Gemini Pro: The ultimate goal is to use these embeddings as input to the Gemini Pro model. The HuggingFaceEmbeddings class helps you format and structure this input in a way that Gemini Pro can understand and utilize effectively.

Module 8

Step 2: Combine Context and Feed to LLM

This part is where the magic happens — we bring together the PDF embeddings, the company details, the news snippets, the financial data, and the sentiment analysis to create a rich context that our AI will use to answer questions:
Initialize the LLM: llm = ChatGoogleGenerativeAI(model=MODEL_ID, temperature=1): Creates an instance of the ChatGoogleGenerativeAI class, which is a specific type of language model designed for chat-like interactions. The MODEL_ID is the same Gemini Pro model you initialized earlier. The temperature parameter is set to 1, which encourages the model to be more creative and less predictable in its responses.
Create the Vectorstore: vectorstore = Chroma(...): This creates a vector store object linked to your ChromaDB collection. It uses the client1 (from Module 7) to connect to the existing collection. It also uses the embeddings1 object (from Module 8, Step 1) as the embedding function, ensuring consistency between how the embeddings were created and how they're used here.
Define Retrieval Chain Creation Function: create_retrieval_chain(retriever, combine_docs_chain): This function creates a retrieval QA chain using the specified retriever and document combination chain. The "stuff" chain type is used, which simply combines retrieved documents into a single string to be passed to the LLM.
Create the Retrieval Chain: template = ...: Defines a prompt template that instructs the LLM to focus on summarizing and analyzing the context to understand factors affecting company profitability.
`prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(template)`: Creates a PromptTemplate object from the template string.
`combine_docs_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(llm, prompt)`: Creates a chain to combine the retrieved documents using the LLM and the prompt template.
`retrieval_chain = create_retrieval_chain(retriever, combine_docs_chain)`: Creates a retrieval QA chain using the created retriever and combine_docs_chain.
Invoke the Retrieval Chain: response=retrieval_chain.invoke({"query":"based on company profile, what should be the company strategy for new products and services?"}): Calls the retrieval chain with a sample query. The chain retrieves relevant documents based on the query, combines them, and passes the combined context and the query to the LLM to generate a response.
Print the Result: print(response["result"]): Prints the LLM's generated response to the query.

Key Points:
LangChain: This framework simplifies the process of orchestrating complex interactions between different components (like vector stores, language models, and document processors).
RetrievalQA: This type of chain is specifically designed for question-answering tasks, where relevant documents are retrieved and used as context for generating answers.
Prompt Engineering: The prompt template guides the LLM’s behavior, ensuring it focuses on the relevant aspects of the context and provides a comprehensive and insightful response.

Module 9

Interactive Chatbot

This section brings it all together, allowing you to converse with your data:
Conversation History:
conversation_history = []:
An empty list is initialized to store the history of the conversation. Each turn (user query and bot response) will be appended to this list as a dictionary.
prompt_chatbot_query Function:
This function defines the main interaction loop of the chatbot:
Infinite Loop (while True): Keeps the conversation going until the user types "exit".
Get User Input: user_input = input("Enter query: "): Prompts the user to type a query and stores the input in the user_input variable.
Check for Exit Condition: if user_input.lower() == "exit": break: Exits the loop if the user enters "exit".
Append User Query to History: conversation_history.append({"query": user_input}): Adds the user's query to the conversation_history list.
Build Context: history_str = ...: Constructs a string representation of the conversation history, formatting each turn as "User: query\nBot: result". context = ...: Combines the history string with the current query to create the full context for the LLM.
Invoke Retrieval Chain: response = retrieval_chain.invoke(...): Sends the updated context and user query to the retrieval chain. The chain fetches relevant documents, combines them, and passes them along with the query to the LLM to generate a response.
Append Response to History: conversation_history[-1]["result"] = response["result"]: Adds the LLM's generated response to the latest turn in the conversation history.
Print Response: print(response["result"]): Displays the LLM's response to the user.
Start the Chatbot:
prompt_chatbot_query(): Calls the function to initiate the chatbot interaction.

Key Points:
Contextual Conversation: The chatbot maintains context by keeping track of the conversation history. This allows it to understand follow-up questions and provide more relevant responses.
RetrievalQA: The retrieval chain is used again here, but this time with the additional context of the conversation history.
User Interaction: The code allows for continuous interaction until the user explicitly chooses to exit.


You’ve successfully built an interactive chatbot that can analyze financial documents, retrieve relevant information, and answer your questions. This tool can be incredibly valuable for financial analysts, investors, and anyone interested in quickly gaining insights from complex financial data.



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Google Cloud - Community

Published in Google Cloud - Community

A collection of technical articles and blogs published or curated by Google Cloud Developer Advocates. The views expressed are those of the authors and don't necessarily reflect those of Google.

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