A Quick Look At Micro Trading Cryptocurrency On Cosmos Blockchains.

Space Cadet 2077
3 min readApr 19, 2024


Cosmos Blockchain offers some unique benefits over nearly all blockchains.. and that is the low cost of transferring coins along with the speed of the transactions, and the ability to transfer information ans value across all of the different chains.

The current average price of a bitcoin transaction is $17, Ethereum is at least a few dollars to send even a few cents and at one stage it cost $30 or even more to send one transaction, making it somewhat unusable for most.

Cosmos and all the interlinking blockchains in the network have virtually no fee and send instantly. Cosmos can also handle more transactions than all of the other coins combined, it has virtually no limit on the amount of transactions that can be performed on the network.

What does this mean for crypto trading?

Instant transactions and tiny fees can allow billions of micro trades.

Because cosmos offers instant transactions and tiny fees, it’s now possible for someone to spend 5–10 cents to exchange a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange, and only pay a fraction a cent as the fee and sometimes even less.

This system allow users from all countries to participate in crypto trading, not just the wealthy nations.

Below is an example of a trade done on $LUPEPE

Someone bought 0.24 cents worth of lupepe, and got 5.74 coins.

This means someone with a few cents can now invest in cryptocurrency and earn money from trading and investing.

Cosmos Network will open the market to hundreds of millions of users who are not currently not able to trade small amounts because of the fees.

Coin Staking And Earning Micro Interest

Users can invest 10 cents and earn daily interest in a secure manner.

Using Keplr wallet anyone can start earning interest on cryptocurrency.

There are over 50 different coins that can be staked using keplr wallet, and new coins are being added often. Keplr is fully decentralized, secure and works on all devices.

Users are able to invest tiny amounts of cryptocurrency and earn compound interest — some coins pay as high as 22% yearly interest.

Since the fee is so low on transactions, users are able to reinvest the interest without losing too much in fees.

I hope this explains my concept well enough, and i look forward to seeing billions of micro transactions happening on cosmos chains soon!

You can get free cosmos coins and the latest information on new coins from my Twitter and Telegram, hope to see you guys there!



Space Cadet 2077

I make telegram bots and other interesting crypto software.