NoSQL (like MongoDB) vs MySQL — Which is a Better Option for App’s Back-end?

Space-O Technologies
5 min readJan 22, 2016

Do you know previously, data was stored in physical files and archived into racks of folders? That time, most of the space of offices was filled with folders. After that, computers came into existence and employers changed the storage space with flat file databases. However, time also has changed now, and things become more difficult than before.

Right now, SQL databases have become an important part of the IT infrastructure. For e.g. an RDBMS based SQL implementation for the web, MySQL (open source) powers large websites like YouTube, Facebook, Google, etc. and thus, it becomes one of the most famous databases.

Technology changes with every new dawn and now, NoSQL becomes the new word in the database arena. Different from MySQL, NoSQL is a database technology that doesn’t include the Structured Query Language.

Right now, it is impossible for applications to avoid making use of this capability of machines, whether it is personal computers, servers or any hand-held devices. From websites to games, defined data is processed, recorded and retrieved with every operation.

NoSQL (like MongoDB) OR MySQL

Over time in the area of data management, MySQL and NoSQL have been great inventions and used for storing data and retrieval optimized and smooth. Moreover, it is difficult to disapprove one and move with another option.

However, NoSQL databases are becoming the most essential part of the database landscape, enterprises should continue with restraint and aware of the legitimate limitations connected with ‘NoSQL’ databases.

Reasons why MySQL better for the mobile App’s back-end:

MySQL will surely work excellent than MongoDB, if you need real-time analytics.

SQL database still the better to choose when it comes to data reliability and secure assurance of performed transactions.

Relational database management systems are more popular and offer both free and paid support. In case any issue arises, it can be solved easier than NoSQL databases.

Relational databases are the go-to solution for difficult querying and data keeping requirements. They are more competent and outclass in this domain.

The ‘Twitter’ Case Study

“MySQL has been one of our key data storage technologies” — Twitter

They are storing data in hundreds of schemas and their largest cluster has nodes serving millions of queries per second. Twitter is pushing MySQL to its limits at its scale.

Twitter is using MySQL in two different ways, i.e. as relational data stores and part of data services. Twitter has grown as a service and thus, it requires to scale storage technologies like MySQL, Vertica, etc. in production.

Even, to make that thing possible, they are appointing software engineers, site reliability engineers and database administrators to work on distributed storage technology.

MySQL is the first choice of businesses

MySQL (Structured data) is always important to the business, as it stores customers and financial information. But, from some years back, there are companies started to maintain more unstructured data, as they deploy and scale applications.

They also have more content like images, PDFs, podcasts, videos, etc. that they use on their websites, social media and emails. MySQL was the best option for low-complexity application that grew gradually.

But, today many companies, who are deploying complex and distributed applications, are asking these legacy databases to manage unstructured data. In some cases, MySQL performance is undecided consequently.

Types of apps that fits with MySQL technologies

Below given are complex applications, who are investing in MySQL technologies for their apps.

  • Automated online assistants
  • E-Commerce
  • Real-time big data analytics
  • E-auctions
  • Online Retailers
  • Mobile Transactions
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Group buying offerings

Some differences between MySQL and NoSQL

Difference between MySQL and NoSQL

What You Think MongoDB and MySQL are equally capable to meet app needs?

There are some organizations that have turned to NoSQL like Redis, Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, etc. to get smoother database and simpler solution. No doubt, NoSQL delivers many advantages to all types businesses, including startups and small businesses that can get advantage from leveraging free open source software.

However, NoSQL has limit, particularly with ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability) compliance that may cause problems like inventory information and not being updated in real-time on an eCommerce site.

“With MongoDB, we’re using a product proven to support our brands’ performance needs through the year and especially at peak loads during the holidays. We can develop new features, adapt to changing requirements and spend more time delivering value.” — Rob Frieman, director of eCommerce at Urban Outfitters

The retail company named Urban Outfitters owns the Anthropologie, BHLDN, Free People, Terrain and Urban Outfitters brands is using MongoDB to control its eCommerce platform. This eCommerce platform provides services and capabilities for all of its channels that enable retailer to design and launch new application quickly and deliver a consistent customer experience.

MySQL versus MongoDB argument is in different ways a relational versus NoSQL argument. Each one outclasses in some situations and is not suited for others. And due to their different structures each one has features that doesn’t found in the other.

How can business continue increasing volume of unstructured data with no app performance issues?

Once, MySQL was the default database for any mobile or web applications. However, now it faces competitive challenges from other databases. Without any comparison, MySQL ecosystem is healthier than other options available for MySQL users.

Concluding with solution, the future of any business app or eCommerce is scale-out architectures. Business always requires structured data, i.e. MySQL. The only effective solution.

Have you decided database for mobile App’s back-end? Compare to others, MySQL is the most adopted databases, whether you have startup or Fortune 500 company.

If you have still any confusion, which database fits your mobile app, let us help you out.



Space-O Technologies

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