Space Rebels — Community Merger Project

Space Rebels
5 min readMar 20, 2023



As the earth trembled and the skies grew dark, the beasts knew their world was no longer safe. The only hope for their survival was to journey to the stars and find a new home among the distant galaxies. But they could not make this difficult journey alone. Wulfz, Kumas and Tigers were the first to recognize the need for unity. They formed an alliance banding together to create a formidable spacefaring team — Space Rebels. Together, Space Rebels set out on their mission, scouring the universe for new allies to join their mission #STRONGTOGETHER. The alliance faced this uncertainty with fierce determination and a commitment to its shared mission. As they journeyed into the unknown depths of space, they were filled with a sense of awe and wonder, for they knew that the fate of their species rested on their shoulders.


To strengthen our projects, Wulfz, PixelTigers and Kumaverse are merging our communities and forming Space Rebels. This merger will create a council governance structure where the council leadership in concert with the community members will control the project’s direction. The goal of this merger is to create a more powerful community in this bear market. The council is also inviting other projects to apply to join the merger with several projects already being considered.


  • The prolonged bear market — even “blue chips” are experiencing the pain of the bear market. Consolidation of joint NFT projects provides economies of scale and shared resources and expertise. The NFT space is smaller — Blue Chip projects and VC-backed projects are competing with us every day, all while the eyeballs (NFT buyers/holders) are much smaller than what existed during the bull. Blue Chips and VC-backed projects have funds and resources we cannot match as stand-alone projects. The merger puts us on a more level playing field with these projects.
  • Uniting small like-minded projects for cost-saving initiates, more active discord, sharing roles and responsibilities, and a more diverse and talented talent pool. Council Governance. Our initial triad will form a Council which will govern the community with the input and support of the community. A regular community participates and the building will be a staple of the union.
  • Council Governance. The initial triad of our union will establish a Council to govern the community. The Council will seek input and support from all members of the community, and regular participation from the community will be integral to the success of the union. The building and growth of the community will be a priority and a central feature of the union.
  • Out-dated contracts. Unfortunately, our smart contracts have no flexibility, and recent changes to platforms like OpenSea and Blur have significantly impacted our revenues. With sustainable revenue sources, the long-term prospects of our respective projects are manageable. In the current bear market with limited resources, individual project prospects could be better. However, pooling our funds and resources will allow us to follow a similar growth initiative in the business world daily and enable us to “grow or die.”


Stage 1 — Merger Initial merge announcement and merging of discords into one united discord amongst the triad. Twitter accounts are consolidated and pointed to a new Twitter branding account. Council governance is formed, and an initial community team is established — community feedback through discord stages, Twitter spaces, etc.

Stage 2 — Community Building: Work with the community to see what utilities and benefits they would like for the project. Network, learn, and grow together with the community. Onboard any other projects who we see as a good fit to the community. A marketing campaign to spread the word through AMA with other groups all while building a STRONG Twitter presence.

Stage 3 — Continue Building:

Build upon initial project lore and explore digital media of lore, i.e., digital comics. New collection claim. Yes, there will be an all-new collection that builds upon the best traits of the original triad. Holders of united collections will be able to claim and mint the new collection.


  • education
  • art
  • fun
  • lore
  • experiences
  • transparency


The formation of Space Rebels will be more than just Wulfz, Kumaverse and PixelTigers. There will be a call to action for new communities to join potentially. We will be talking to and looking for communities who can provide either:

  • funds our community multi-sig wallet
  • valuable team members who can help build/run the project.

If you have or are aware of a community that you think is a good fit for joining the merge, please tell them to contact us. There is a good opportunity for founders who want to walk away gracefully from their project but keep their community in good hands by transferring their funds to our multi-sig wallet and allowing us to steward their holders. Note: Although initially focused on pixel art projects, we are open to exploring cooperation with all projects.


Q: What will happen to our NFTS?

A: NFTS will remain as they are. For Kumaverse, their NFTs will continue being used for their Tales of the Kuma Game. For Wulfz, OG Wulfz will still be delivering their identical VX model, which they will have full access to download and use however they, please. Alphas, Pupz and WereWulfz will remain in their respective collections. Similar to Wulfz, PixelTigers and Cubs will remain. However, there will be no use for utility tokens going forward (AWOO, Moondust and Pixel).

Q: Will there be a new Space Rebels NFT collection?

A: Yes, we have concept pixel art for the new Space Rebels collection. The development of this collection will be done with the support of the community.

Q: How will we claim the new collection once it is ready?

A: No decisions have been made on the mint. The council will work with the community to determine the mint process ensuring that the process is fair and beneficial to the project. The community will have the opportunity to participate in art and traits through the community art channel. The goal of Space Rebels is to build a WEB3 community which crosses over into WEB2 with a strong brand and IP.

