Solar Walk. Whiff of Eternity (7 of 7)

Roman Popov
1 min readOct 4, 2017


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Soft whiffs propel you out of eternal white and you see the Cosmos again. Myriads of stars look like silver sands and jewel crumbles scattered across the black velvet. Unfamiliar nebulae — the grievous vestiges of supernovas — spread their crimson, teal and lavender wings gracefully. Your disembodied mind flies freely hither and fro. Surprisingly, all these macroscopic objects are at one thought’s reach. You look at Astropilot, he smiles and then disappears into the starry sky. You return your gaze to the galaxies, which have all different shapes — spherical, spiral, flat and torpedo-like. Your mind fills with awe and curiosity, and, interestingly, feeling of ownership. You want to tend to this forgotten garden, so you zoom in on the smaller objects like nebulae and stars, big and small, red and blue giants, their numerous planets and satellites and move them around like precious gems in a kaleidoscope. You begin carefully arranging the cosmic puzzle, and Eternity embraces you.

