PinnedThe Reasons Why You Should Add Salt to Your Daily CoffeeIt’s sounds crazy… but it’s true!Aug 22, 202493Aug 22, 202493
Murphy’s Law:Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible timeSep 22, 202445Sep 22, 202445
Don’t react. Cut them off silently.You have nothing to give if you aren’t getting anythingSep 9, 202437Sep 9, 202437
Medium Gains: In Just 15 Days —1.8k Views + 716 FollowerA picture is worth a thousand words — The merit is thanks to my readers and fans.Sep 1, 202429Sep 1, 202429
The Allure of Casablanca:A Deep Dive into the Renowned Brand — 4000$ Jackets !Sep 1, 202424Sep 1, 202424