Thanks for playing Spark Golf in 2019

Spark Golf
2 min readOct 22, 2019


Thank you for playing Spark Golf!

The 2019 season officially came to a close last week in Houston, TX. And what a year! Thousands of you played Spark Golf across 30 U.S. cities. We truly appreciate your business and hope you had a great time playing fun golf, connecting with others & experiencing friendly competition.

As Spark goes on winter break, we want to thank everyone who took the time to help Spark get better. Here are the main points of feedback we’ll be focusing on for the upcoming 2020 season…

Pace of play — We couldn’t agree more that this needs to be better. Our goal is for you to play Spark Golf in around 2 hours. To help achieve, we’ll be changing the scoring format to a point system where net double bogey is the max. We’ll also be better at communicating our “fast play makes fast friends” motto.

Weekly play — We know you all lead busy lives. This is why Spark 2020 will let you play Spark Golf as your schedule allows. League rounds will be available every week during a longer season (as daylight allows). You can play as much or as little as you like and choose to either pay per round or purchase a discounted season pass. More specifics to come, but we believe this flexibility is key to building bigger and better Spark leagues.

The Spark app — With the above changes, will come a new app! Features currently being built include: live scoring leaderboard, enhanced player stats, push notifications (less emails!) and weekly round registration.

Handicaps — Spark handicaps are intended to give league players of all abilities, a fair opportunity to compete. However, like with all handicap systems, there are challenges. We’re currently evaluating our system and are making changes to achieve our intention. We do promise to be more transparent in how our system works for Spark 2020.

If you have any more feedback, please let us know.

We hope everyone has a great end to their year and looks forward to playing Spark Golf again in 2020!

Charlie Klaus



Spark Golf

We operate 9-hole, recreational golf leagues where people play fun golf, connect with others and experience friendly competition. Join at