Advanced BLE Development with Flutter Blue Plus

Sparkleo Technologies
8 min readMay 16, 2024

MTU Negotiation: Optimizing Data Transfer Efficiency

In BLE, the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) determines the maximum size of data packets that can be exchanged between devices in a single transmission. A larger MTU means more data can be sent in each packet, potentially improving throughput and reducing latency.

Default MTU Values

By default, Flutter Blue Plus requests an MTU of 512 bytes on Android during the connection process. However, on iOS and macOS, the MTU is negotiated automatically, typically ranging from 135 to 255 bytes.

Requesting a Higher MTU (Android Only)

On Android, you can explicitly request a higher MTU using the requestMtu() method:

if (Platform.isAndroid) {
await device.requestMtu(512); // Example value

Keep in mind that the peripheral device also needs to support the requested MTU.

Monitoring MTU Changes

Flutter Blue Plus provides the mtu stream on the BluetoothDevice object to monitor changes in the negotiated MTU:

device.mtu.listen((mtu) {
print('MTU updated to: $mtu');

Background BLE Operations: Staying Connected in the Background

In some applications, it’s essential to maintain a BLE connection and perform operations even when your app is in the background. However, both iOS and Android impose restrictions on background tasks to conserve battery life.

iOS Background BLE

To enable background BLE operations on iOS, you need to:

Declare Background Mode: In your Info.plist file, add the bluetooth-central background mode:

<key>UIBackgroundModes</key> <array>     <string>bluetooth-central</string> </array>

Use Isolates: For long-running background tasks, consider using Flutter isolates. Isolates run in a separate thread, preventing your app’s UI from becoming unresponsive. You can use the flutter_isolate package to simplify isolate management.

Android Background BLE

On Android, you can achieve background BLE operations using the flutter_foreground_task package. This package allows you to create a foreground service that continues running even when your app is in the background.

// Start the foreground service
await FlutterForegroundTask.startService(
notificationTitle: 'BLE Service',
notificationText: 'Running in the background',
callback: startCallback,
// ... (Your BLE operations)

Remember that background BLE operations should be optimized to minimize battery drain.

Bonding and Pairing (Android): Securing Your Connections

In BLE, bonding is the process of creating a long-term relationship between two devices. Bonded devices exchange security keys, allowing for encrypted communication and faster reconnections. On Android, you can initiate the bonding process using Flutter Blue Plus:

if (Platform.isAndroid) {
await device.createBond();

This will trigger the system’s pairing dialog, prompting the user to confirm the pairing.

Error Handling and Recovery: Building Resilient Apps

BLE communication can be prone to errors due to factors like signal interference, device disconnections, or unexpected behavior. Robust error handling is crucial to ensure your app functions reliably in real-world scenarios.

Catching Exceptions

Flutter Blue Plus throws exceptions for various BLE errors. Use try-catch blocks to catch these exceptions and handle them gracefully:

try {
await characteristic.write([0x01]);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
// Handle GATT error or other platform-specific errors

Reconnection Strategies

If a connection is lost, you can implement a reconnection strategy based on the connectionState stream:

device.connectionState.listen((state) {
if (state == BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected) {
// Attempt to reconnect after a delay

Advanced Data Handling: Managing Large Data Transfers

In some BLE applications, you might need to exchange larger amounts of data than can fit within a single BLE packet. This is where techniques like long writes and split writes come in handy.

Long Writes

Flutter Blue Plus allows you to write data that exceeds the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) using the allowLongWrite: true option in the write() method:

await characteristic.write(largeData, allowLongWrite: true);

This will break down the largeData into smaller chunks and send them sequentially. However, be cautious with this approach:

  • Reliability: It’s crucial to use withoutResponse: false to ensure the peripheral device acknowledges each chunk, preventing data loss.
  • Peripheral Support: The peripheral device must support the “Prepare Write” procedure for long writes to work reliably.

Split Writes (Custom Implementation)

For even larger data transfers or more control, you can implement your own split-write mechanism. Here’s an example:

extension SplitWrite on BluetoothCharacteristic {
Future<void> splitWrite(List<int> value, {int chunkSize = 20}) async {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i += chunkSize) {
var end = (i + chunkSize < value.length) ? i + chunkSize : value.length;
await write(value.sublist(i, end), withoutResponse: false);

This extension method divides the value into chunks of chunkSize and writes them sequentially with responses.

Events API: Monitoring Multiple Devices

The stream is your gateway to monitoring events across all connected devices simultaneously. It provides streams for various event types, including:

  • onConnectionStateChanged: Track connection status changes.
  • onMtuChanged: Detect MTU updates.
  • onReadRssi: Get signal strength (RSSI) readings.
  • onServicesReset: Handle service changes.
  • onCharacteristicReceived: Receive notifications and indications.
  • onCharacteristicWritten: Confirm successful writes.
  • …and more!

Example Usage {
print('${event.device} is ${event.connectionState}');

This code snippet listens for connection state changes of all connected devices and prints a message to the console when the state changes.

Real-World Project Example: Building a Heart Rate Monitor App

Let’s bring everything we’ve learned to life by building a simplified heart rate monitor app. This project will showcase the essential steps in creating a BLE app using Flutter Blue Plus.

1. Project Setup

  • Follow the instructions in Section II to ensure your project is correctly configured for Flutter Blue Plus.
  • Create the necessary UI elements (e.g., a button for scanning, a list to display devices, and a text widget to show the heart rate).

2. Scanning for Heart Rate Monitors

// Start scanning, filtering for the Heart Rate Service (UUID 0x180D)
withServices: [Guid('180D')],
timeout: Duration(seconds: 4),
// Listen for scan results
FlutterBluePlus.scanResults.listen((results) {
// Update your UI's device list with the discovered devices.
// You might use a ListView or similar widget to display them.


  • We filter the scan by the Heart Rate Service’s UUID to find relevant devices quickly.
  • Scan results are streamed and used to update the UI.

3. Connecting to the Heart Rate Monitor

BluetoothDevice device; // Get the selected heart rate monitor from the UI.
// Listen for connection changes.
device.connectionState.listen((state) {
if (state == BluetoothDeviceState.connected) {
device.discoverServices().then((services) {
// Once connected, discover services
_findHeartRateService(services); // (See next step)
await device.connect(); // Connect to the selected device


  • The code connects to the selected device from the UI.
  • A listener monitors connection state changes.
  • Upon connection, discoverServices() is called to find the services offered by the heart rate monitor.

4. Discovering and Subscribing to the Heart Rate Measurement Characteristic

void _findHeartRateService(List<BluetoothService> services) async {
for (var service in services) {
if (service.uuid == Guid('180D')) { // Heart Rate Service UUID
for (var characteristic in service.characteristics) {
if (characteristic.uuid == Guid('2A37')) { // Heart Rate Measurement UUID
await characteristic.setNotifyValue(true); // Enable notifications
// Listen for heart rate data
characteristic.onValueReceived.listen((value) {
// Extract and parse the heart rate data from the `value`.
// Update the UI's heart rate display with the value.


  • This function iterates through the discovered services.
  • It finds the Heart Rate Service, then looks for the Heart Rate Measurement characteristic within it.
  • Notifications are enabled for this characteristic.
  • The code listens for incoming heart rate data and updates the UI accordingly.

5. Error Handling and Disconnection

device.connectionState.listen((state) {
if (state == BluetoothDeviceState.disconnected) {
// Handle disconnection (show error message, retry connection, etc.)


  • This code listens for disconnections and allows you to handle them appropriately in your UI.

Important Note:

The actual heart rate data parsing will depend on the specific format used by your heart rate monitor. Refer to the device’s documentation to determine how to interpret the raw data received from the characteristic.

With this heart rate monitor example, you have a practical demonstration of how to use Flutter Blue Plus to scan, connect, and interact with a BLE device in a real-world context. Feel free to experiment and enhance this example to create your own unique BLE applications!

Best Practices and Optimization

Building a BLE app that’s not only functional but also efficient and user-friendly requires attention to detail and adherence to best practices. In this section, we’ll explore key strategies for optimizing your Flutter Blue Plus applications.

Battery Life: A Precious Resource

BLE is designed to be low-energy, but your app can still significantly impact battery life if not carefully optimized. Here are some tips:

  • Minimize Scan Duration: Only scan for devices when necessary. Use the timeout parameter in startScan to limit scan duration.
  • Manage Connection Parameters: Adjust connection intervals and latency to strike a balance between responsiveness and power consumption. You can use the device.requestConnectionPriority(ConnectionPriority.balanced) method to set the connection priority.
  • Unsubscribe from Notifications: When notifications are no longer needed, remember to unsubscribe to avoid unnecessary data transfer.
  • Disconnect When Idle: Disconnect from devices when not actively in use to conserve power.

Security: Protecting Your BLE Communications

While BLE offers convenience, security is paramount, especially when handling sensitive data. Consider these security measures:

  • Pairing and Bonding (Android): Use bonding to establish a secure connection with trusted devices. This involves exchanging security keys for encryption.
  • Data Encryption: If you’re dealing with sensitive data, encrypt it before transmission over BLE.
  • Authentication: Implement authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized devices can connect to your app.
  • Secure Firmware Updates: If your BLE device supports firmware updates, ensure they are delivered securely to prevent tampering.

Debugging: Troubleshooting Your BLE Apps

Debugging BLE apps can be challenging due to the wireless nature of the communication and the potential for environmental interference. Here are some helpful tools and techniques:

  • Verbose Logging: Enable verbose logging in Flutter Blue Plus to get detailed insights into BLE operations.
  • BLE Sniffers: Use BLE sniffing tools to monitor and analyze the raw BLE traffic between your app and devices. This can be invaluable for identifying issues like incorrect UUIDs or malformed data packets.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to catch and log exceptions, helping you pinpoint the source of problems.
  • Device Logs: Check the logs on your BLE device (if available) for additional information.

Performance Optimization

Here are some tips for optimizing your Flutter Blue Plus app performance:

  • Batch Operations: Instead of performing multiple read or write operations sequentially, try to batch them whenever possible. This reduces overhead and improves efficiency.
  • Limit UI Updates: Avoid excessive updates to your app’s UI when receiving BLE data. Consider using debouncing or throttling techniques to limit the frequency of updates.
  • Memory Management: Be mindful of memory usage, especially when dealing with large amounts of data. Release resources promptly when they are no longer needed.
  • Background Threading: Use isolates or background services for long-running tasks to prevent blocking the main UI thread.

By following these best practices and optimization techniques, you can create Flutter Blue Plus apps that are not only powerful and feature-rich but also efficient, reliable, and secure.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) app development with Flutter Blue Plus. We’ve covered everything from the fundamentals of BLE communication to advanced techniques like MTU negotiation, background operations, and error handling. By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to build robust, efficient, and user-friendly BLE apps using Flutter Blue Plus.

The potential of BLE is vast, extending across numerous industries and use cases. Whether you’re developing a health and fitness app, a home automation system, an industrial monitoring solution, or anything else that leverages BLE connectivity, Flutter Blue Plus provides the tools and flexibility you need to bring your vision to life.

As the IoT landscape continues to evolve, BLE will remain a cornerstone technology. By mastering Flutter Blue Plus, you’re not only gaining valuable skills but also positioning yourself at the forefront of innovation in this exciting field.

For more in-depth articles, case studies, and tutorials on BLE development and Flutter, visit the Sparkleo Technologies blog. Our team of experts is dedicated to sharing knowledge and helping you build the next generation of BLE-powered applications.

If you have any questions, comments, or project ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Sparkleo Technologies is here to empower your BLE development journey!



Sparkleo Technologies

We provide the bridge between the real and digital world by building IoT based solutions. -