How to make money with coding.
easy ways:
you can post on famous social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram ….
2-online tutorials:
you can make coding tutorial and sell them on udemy, coursera, udacity ….
3-try to use medium:
Start creating a blog on medium. and medium has a partner program that they will pay you on how much traffic your article brings in.
4-create your own YouTube channel:
You can talk about tech you can talk about coding and you can upload coding tutorial. YouTube will pay you if you get 1K subscribe.
but if its hard for you to create channel, create video, edit video and …. there is easy way to do this you can join to ‘ TechSoda ’ discord channel.
you can just DM the Admin and you’ll see what we can do.
discord :
5-you can start a podcast:
You can talk about tech and coding. and you can talk about what what website is good for learning.
6-app development:
You can do in app purchases, you can do premium version ….
7-Bug bounty hunting:
Bug bounties are prizes offered in exchange for discovering cybersecurity flaws and are an increasingly popular way for organisations to crowdsource penetration testing.
A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest, datathon or codefest; a portmanteau of hacking marathon) is a design sprint-like event; often, in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including graphic designers, interface designers, product managers, project managers, domain experts, and others collaborate intensively on software projects.
9-publish an ebook.
10-make games.