NYC’s Newest Club “Garcons” Requires a $50,000 Bank Account for Entry

2 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

New York City’s nightlife scene is renowned for its exclusivity and opulence, but a new establishment is taking it to another level. Enter Garçons, the latest nightclub sensation, where gaining entry requires more than just the right outfit and connections. This upscale hotspot is reportedly setting the bar higher by demanding patrons to show a bank account balance of $50,000 or more just to step through its doors. This bold move has sparked discussions about wealth, privilege, and class divisions in the city’s nightlife culture.

Nightlife venues in cities like New York often serve as playgrounds for the wealthy elite. From lavish bottle service to VIP sections roped off for the affluent, these establishments thrive on exclusivity. The velvet rope, long a symbol of status, effectively separates the haves from the have-nots, reinforcing class divisions within society.

The introduction of a $50,000 bank account requirement at Garçons raises questions about the accessibility of nightlife to those outside the upper echelons of society. While some argue that it’s a business decision aimed at maintaining an upscale clientele, others see it as a blatant display of elitism and exclusion. By imposing such stringent financial criteria, Garçon risks alienating a significant portion of potential patrons and perpetuating a culture of exclusivity.

Beyond the confines of nightlife, the issue of wealth inequality permeates various aspects of social interaction. From subtle cues of affluence to overt displays of wealth, class distinctions shape how individuals navigate social spaces. In nightlife settings, where status and image are paramount, these dynamics are magnified, further highlighting the disparities between the haves and the have-nots.

Unsurprisingly, news of Garçon’s entry requirements has elicited a range of reactions from the public and the nightlife community. While some applaud the club’s bold stance on exclusivity, others condemn it as elitist and out of touch. Critics argue that such policies only serve to further marginalize marginalized communities and perpetuate a culture of inequality.

As Garçon’s $50,000 bank account requirement continues to stir debate, it serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive nature of wealth inequality in nightlife culture. While exclusivity has long been a hallmark of upscale venues, the implementation of such stringent financial criteria raises important questions about inclusivity and accessibility in social settings. As the city’s nightlife scene evolves, it remains to be seen whether establishments like Garçon will redefine the boundaries of exclusivity or further entrench existing class divisions.




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