DIARY ENTRY of April 6 in 2023

3 min readApr 6, 2023


Good Evening from Bali to Everyone. :) ❤ I hope y’all are having an amazing morning, afternoon or evening. I’ve had such a lovely day and therefore decided to share my journal entry of this morning, before the magic started to unfold.

“I start today with the Intention to be pure enlightenment. Soul. Source. Zen at all times. Silent. The silent, still and calm observer behind body, mind and outer world. Deeply connected to source.

I love you so much God. All of my relationships are a spiritual practice for me in order to reach an even higher state of consciousness and enlightenment. I am peace at all times. I express love in all that I say, do and think. I always answer from the highest source: LOVE. CONSCIOUSNESS.

I focus on the breathe. Observation at all times. The spiritual realm is the most important. I am attracted by and to source and soul. My eyes look into heaven and the hearts at all times. I see/ experience everything through awareness glasses. Awareness, love, light, God, please help me to master the mind completely. Help me to heal everything from the inside out through love and with love and compassion. Amen.

I love unconditionally. I live in abundance. God and mother earth are always protecting me, always HERE for me. Thank you earth for somewhere over the rainbow in the radio. — Somewhere over the rainbow (…) Dreams really do come true. — ❤ ❤ ❤

Every day’s Gods day. Every day’s Love’s day. Every day’s the most gorgeous day to be alive. I am so grateful. So grateful for my beautiful life. Lord in heaven, mother earth, angels, ancestors, souls — alive and alive — please protect me, guide me, guard and direct me. Let abundance rain into my reality, on my bank accounts and into all areas of my life. Amen.

I love you so much God. Let me grow. Heal. Expand. Let me observe. Inhale natures nectar. Breathe deeply. Be fully. Present. Point my awareness onto the inside. Enlightenment. Enlightenment. Silence and stillness. Gratitude. Peace. Love. Ease. Billions. $$$$

Thank you for the career you allow me to live. Thank you for all of my love relationships. They are all love relationships. Some sexual, most spiritual. Enlightened. Easy. Love. Peace. Joy.

Lord, Earth, please protect my family, everyone whom I know, love, trust, and let abundance, health, wealth, joy, love, freedom of mind, money, great work opportunities, miracles, magic, synchronicities and peace rain on all souls currently incarnated into physical bodies. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Help us God — collective consciousness — to up level the vibration of the earth, to higher the global frequency. Amen. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen. I am abundance. I am a billionaire. I am the leader of light, hope, peace and humanity.”

I do not judge or opinionate my morning thoughts. This is the raw, unfiltered cut. I love you all and I hope I can give you some courage, motivation and inspiration to be brave, be yourself, trust God and love unconditionally. And to pray. Prayers are so strong. So beautiful.

Take care you, whomever you are. I love you ❤

X, Jen




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