The Politics of Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Sparsh V
2 min readNov 10, 2019


Godzilla destroys a city. Image credits to
Godzilla destroys a major city. Image credits to

Have you seen Godzilla: King of the Monsters, that was released in 2019? If you have, then you must be wondering: If such a scenario were to happen, who would be correct, Madison’s mother, Dr. Emma, or her father, Mark.

Let us first look at each person’s point of view. According to Dr. Emma, she used the Orca to save the world. She intended to summon all the titans using the Orca to destroy cities around the world. Humans have done things that are almost irreversible, and we have left a pretty significant carbon footprint. We have created factories that emit an insane amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, harming the Earth on a major scale. We have also destroyed most of the thing that could have reversed this effect, forests. As a result of deforestation, there are lesser trees to absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is one of the main greenhouse gases.

Plants thrive on an abandoned building. Image credits to

Hence, the titans have the capability of reducing our cities to rubble, as a result of which plants can thrive among the rubble, revesing the severe effects of global warming. After that, humans can restart civillisation properly, keeping in mind about how to avoid global warming again. She has a pretty sensible reason, but there is one place in which she is wrong.

However, according to Mark, what Dr. Emma was doing was wrong. This is because she has absolutely no right to choose the fate of humanity by herself. She cannot play God and toy around with peoples’ lives. He is also right. She should have organised some sort of global meeting or consulted with world leaders before deciding to release the titans.

Furthermore, even if she intended to just release the titans, she should have given everyone a chance to evacuate into the Monarch bunkers that had been set up all around the world, instead of simply releasing the first few titans without warning. Hence, in this case, Mark was correct. Although Dr. Emma’s reasoning was logical, she did not implement it properly, leading to an unnecessary loss of lives.

